Wednesday, July 13, 2005


Hmm 2 1/2 days into lectures already.. i have to say i'm a bit bored... lectures do have a tendency to drive u off to sleep especially if u have to wake up at 7am almost every single day! I can't help but complain a bit :p I had my elective yesterday which was something called European Encoutners in new worlds n old .. its a history elective which i kinda chose coz i thought it might be "interesting" but i guess i should have known better. At the moment i don't really find it particularyly stimulating and it kinda went against my expectations of history like i thought maybe some cultural revolution or sthg but instead its focussed mainly on NZ n esp on healtha issues... sigh..we have to write these 250-300word blurbs just to show our progress or sthg for each "seminar" hehe sounds posh.. n on the spur of the moment i wrote mine at 12am last night.. hehe coz it thought might as well get it over with as i might actually forget the content in a while.. :p

Just to give a brief idea of what i thought it was about, this is an excerpt from my blurb thingy which i think as i wrote it in a semi-conscious state is a bit incoherent .. ;p n i don't really know what my opinion is...

" There was also quite a prevalent belief on the impact of environment as a cause and also cure to disease. There was the idea of miasma – polluted air in areas like swamps, industrial areas and poorer quality environments as the cause of disease like malaria and diptheria. In contrast nature was also advocated as a cure where people went to the seaside, countryside, spas and planted trees in a belief that this aided in health. This is comparable to the practice of alternative medicine in the modern society. The theories are not proven but more based on observations due to the lack of knowledge at the time. Although, the benefits of a good environment may be considered, the idea of miasma seems harder to justify. Miasma is in a way related to the hygiene issues at the time as the need for proper sanitation and clean water was recognized. In modern day, this may translate into the relationship between poor socioeconomic status and health."

hehe ok la... i think i'm unneccessarily lengthening this post.. hehe. oh n about my decision thing i kinda just chose n submitted my choice already yesterday. So now its just up to God where i will end up next year! Just hope for the best n that i won't get balloted out into going to Wellington!

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