Thursday, July 21, 2005

Stressful days...

Man .. my week has just been so busy! Arghhhhh ... starting with Monday i was really nervous about my communication skills filmed interview that afternoon and after the interview i didn't feel any better knowing that i kinda screwed up the whole thing!!! Awkard long silences and messed up questions... sigh.. then 8am lectures on tuesday.. lab preparations...and had my elective that afternoon.. some stuff about how europeans went to india and found the climate awfully hard to live in? did my computer test n failed... which wouldn't have been too bad added on to the fact that i found out that i was balloted out !And now i really don't know what to do? Should i move? Amidst the chaos in my head that night i spent a good two hours at library just transcribing my stupid interview.. which i had to present on wednesday. And all through the process berating myself on how i could have said all that silly stuff and made all those embarassing mistakes!!!!!! Interview presentation on wednesday... another stressful event and another shot at computer test which i thankfully passed.

So yeah.. the days have not been particularly peaceful... i did enjoy the anatomy labs today and on tuesday though.. we were doing some dissection on the neck area.. Today we actually literally sawed the neck off (think "pancung kepala") as well as the head in half in the sagittal plane just so that we could take a look at the structures in the larynx and pharynx. It was good to look at but the sawing was just horrible!! So gruesome... Glad that we don't do that to live patients.. :p

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