Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hmm.. seems that i haven't had a proper post as of late .. i guess even if its post exams u would think i would be more free.. but i guess i just felt like doing nothing for a while to recover from doing too many things :p

Today was pretty interesting although awfully long.. i guess i haven't had a full 9am-5pm day that much this year n its really getting on my concentration coz i really can't "sustain" my interest when the day just doesn't seem to end! But on the positive side some stuff was pretty interesting ! Got to watch like about 4 pregnancy videos today.. it was pretty amazing, the process of having a baby n seeing its head popping out from the women's vagina! A bit unnerving i have to say coz i'm wondering if i want to go through all that , but i think considering the joy of having a child -- should be worth it right?

Tomorrow will be the last day n to be frank i'm pretty happy about it. I'm not so looking forward to the week to come but i guess being somewhere other than dunedin should prove to be at least more intersting hehe... I still find the weather not nice at all n i've resorted to bundling up really warmly n trekking through the hospital instead of going around it just coz its warmer heheh -- not that that short distance is much difference :p

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