Sunday, August 08, 2004

Wow... Saturday!

Hehe, time sure flies.. can't believe its like saturday already...n i haven't updated this spot for a lonnnnggg.. .... .. so sorry... !... had a busy week with genetics assignment due on friday..! didn't start early.. so kinda ended up pretty rushed n stressed.. :-(... my own fault i guess..

but well its weekend.. and tomolo is the international food fest! starts at 11am at Union hall.. ... hehe.. everyone should come n check out the yummy foods!! haha.. (i helped make a little bit... :p) So yeah.. things have been quite stressful.. with some flat problems and stuff... but i'm really glad that God does provide.. for us... n i have found some answered prayers recently! hehe.. good to know that He is there for us ..

Well i guess just taking some time out to enjoy the hols, good food and all .. ~~contented sigh**... hehe... n then of course .... back to all hte work n study!!.. .. so many things to do n so little time .. :p... thats how it always is i guess...

Well guess thats abt it then.. good nite ....


12uth said...

You didn't tell about your surprise birthday party!! =OP If you get to it, don't forget to mention your screams when we popped the 'party poppers'(whatever they are called) teehee...
Once again, Happy birthday girl!

Eunice said...

ehh... wats there to say.... haven't u already given away the story :p