And then celebrated my flatmates belated 23rd b-day! keke... went out to get a cake n out for dinner.... It was pretty random since we managed to get through entire dinner without actually once wishing her happy birthday... n then we went to St Clair.. n after some guilty apologies for 'forgetting'(well pretending that we forgot) we had dessert at a cafe..

The most bizarre thing was that on the way back to the car... my other flatmate who was taking photos.. got a bit left behind n in the rush to catch up with us... her phone slipped out of her pocket and fell into the sea!!!!!!!! (coz we were walking beside the beach and there was a railing with quite a steep drop to where the water level was) oh boy did she freak out.... she actually went down there in the dark ... at high tide to look for the phone.... it was pretty scary.. all dark n we were a bit worried that she would get swept away as she was almost bathed in sea water....
she didn't manage to find the phone though sadly :-(

We did get home and managed to surprise the birthday girl with cake .. keke.. although it was one costly evening ... for some of us...
And i have to say its the wackiest thing that has ever happened... really... u never think that something like this would really happen in real life would u? not to mention its Halloween today... (plays scary music... )
keke, scary sylvia... >>
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