Saturday, February 26, 2005

The girl n the hill....

Once upon a time, there was a girl who told her friend about two girls walking down a hill. One of the girls pushed the other girl and she went rolling down the hill until she reached the bottom. Everyone had a good laugh n all was fine. The next year, the friend asked the girl which hill was it that the girl was pushed down? The friend looked at her oddly and said "Can a person actually roll down a hill? If I were to push someone down they would go splat n not roll down." The friend thought about it n agreed. "She would have to be a ball to roll down the hill afterall", she said. --------

So then? wat was the moral of the story? Hehe... don't believe ur friend when she tries to fool u the first time with a farfetched tale. And if u really believe her n the joke is out.. don't be tricked again the next year :p For those who know .. well let it be our secret.. for those who don't know.. read it a few more times n figure it out :p esp considering "can a person actually roll down a hill?"

Anyway this is my first updates since coming back to good ol' dunny..!! its really warm suprisingly although i have been very busy n i don't have an internet connection yet so it is a bit of a bother to always use uni facilities.. anyway i have a photo update from the steamboat we had at Alastair's place!!Yay!!!:) pass = abc

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Diana here. Charles wants me to pass this link to you.