Christmas has come and past. How quickly the season has gone by. I don't remember much of it as somehow this year, the celebrations were not as impressionable. Although i suppose if there is something i remember, its that i have a bad memory. Somewhat paradoxical i suppose, but the moments when i have forgotten stuff n people in particular tend to be the more memorable times since they were pretty embarassing moments.
As it is, i'm just passing my days, been writing my story and i've to say i'm pleasantly happy with the reviews i'm getting. Ahhh.... the joys of electronic feedback. Somewhere along the line.. i'm still knittingi my scarf... Went to watch The Promise tonight. It's a chinese fantasy movie sort of. Totally amazing special effects, rather unbelievable but totally crazy and yet so very cool. And yes i pretty much liked it, after all far fetched fantasy has always been my favourite. I did watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire... and i think it was not bad. Although i suppose having read the books made the whole thing all that much more predictable :P I spent a lot of time just naming the characters and explaining the rather complicated plot to my siblings. Hope my new year will turn up with some much better resolutions and ways to spend the day. I'm way too unproductive as it is :p
When did the dream end and reality set in... Flitting illusions and wisps of a forgotten trail... Stop living in the dream, start fighting in the real world... For when the dream ends, my heart is shattered in its onslaught... How cruel are my dreams.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Time just seems to creep by so quickly when ur enjoying urself! I got back from my KL trip last Thursday. It was quite good, although KL is probably hotter than Sibu in my opinion coz of all that smog and tall buildings.. argh!! But the shopping was great. I think we didn't do much other than shop actually, coz i kinda got sick on the last 2 days so we didn't go up to Genting Highlands :(. I blame it on the 'yong tau fu' That stuff is not fresh man! even if from a foodcourt in the mall, what to say the street side stalls. Man, at least Sibu doesn't have roadside stalls, cause they are banned by the way. All the stalls have to be within a shoplot.
Well, i suppose KL turned out to be a jumble of eating and shopping. Managed to try most of the foods i was interested in like: claypot, sizzling noodle, yee mee, teppanyaki, sushi, yong tau fu, chi cheong fun, penang kueh teow, roti canai.... :p hehe... but i realise its pretty expensive eating there compared to here and the stuff they sell isn't much cheaper really. I think Sibu's still reasonably balanced on price, availability and conenience... since its so close :)
Anyways, i've been pretty lazy since then.. i suppose, although i did manage to make some balloon animals! Yes, you heard me right.. its when u blow up those long balloons and make a dog and giraffe and all that stuff out of them. Pretty cool, i say... although i guess it'd probably be a not too pleasant experience for those who dislike balloons! heh..... i can think of some good uses of those skills now... ehehehe...
Watched King Kong the other day, it wasn't too bad... although the tickets were more expensive like what, coz the movie was 3 hours long!! What kinda excuse is that? Ok i know it sounds reasonable in some way but i never heard them do it for anything else so yeah! The shows full of disgusting and gross gigantic creep crawlies though! Even my little bro was freaked out by the people eating slugs :p... but i suppose if you ignore that the picture quality and effects is all pretty good ! I'm hoping to watch the 4th HP installment soon.
Mmmm... n baked a chocolate brownie for my little bro's birthday yesterday. Although it ended up being real hard though especially after going in the fridge! I think these cakes are way too heavy... i felt a severe chocolate overload... :p... I think it tastes better in NZ.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Writing the days away...
Wow its December already! Time really flies -- not sure if that is a good thing though... since i do want my holidays to last rather than just fly by. As usual haven't been doing much useful stuff really. Although I somehow decided maybe i should write like a random story or something and post it online. Its always a curiousity to see how many people actually read those kind of stuff :p. My writing skills are probably only mediocore at best but i suppose... i was actually that bored to actually think of something like that?
Friday, November 25, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I suppose life's just moving along ... i went to the market the other day and yep.. still same old - busy, full of food.. hehe my favourite... i just like to poke around and look at all the different food on sale... yummm...
its nice to be back ~contented sigh~

Thursday, November 17, 2005
I'm officially home! yeah.... all that travelling finally paid off.. i just got back this morning and had a nice long nap in the afternoon. Its good to be home! Although it is sooo hot........ feels like an oven... not to mention its pretty noisy and rowdy since my little brother is on holiday!!!
It was a pretty hectic journey n all but i thank God that i'm back safe and sound :)
It was a pretty hectic journey n all but i thank God that i'm back safe and sound :)
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
This is just a random post.. i'm sick of studying... I have one last exam on Friday and then i'm free!!!!!!!! i can't wait .. i've been revising and re-revising stuff these few days... exam on monday n then today.. i feel so exhausted... four hours is so long... in the end i just want to pass...
My life is so boring.. since its mainly sleep wake up study play computer study eat play computer study play computer sleep? hehehe... ok thats fairly repetitive but i suppose u get what i mean? I can't wait for those wonderful days when i'm free, just lazing around, doing nothing useful.. ... ahhhh....
My life is so boring.. since its mainly sleep wake up study play computer study eat play computer study play computer sleep? hehehe... ok thats fairly repetitive but i suppose u get what i mean? I can't wait for those wonderful days when i'm free, just lazing around, doing nothing useful.. ... ahhhh....
Monday, October 31, 2005
Arghh.. i'm so annoyed... blasted idiots in a car!!!! i was walking back from library around 11pm tonite... just minding my own business and all that... n suddenly someone chucked something out of the car... i didn't realised what it was at first... but then it hit me hard on my foot... n smashed to pieces.. man i freaked out n thought it was glass... n it hurt!! Stupid idiots @#$@##%! pity i didn't see them since they went by so fast... i didn't even realised what happened.. but after looking back i realised it was egg!!!! Argghhhh... that smashed on my nice pants... which now stinks of egg... fortunately i have long pants though so it didn't actually get on my foot... but still.......... i am so NOT happy....
Saturday, October 29, 2005
The consequence of impending exams...
Mood: just woke up.... blur but aware at the same time
Exams are coming up and its really been affecting my brain!!! I think i wake up early coz i think i have to study... but then.. i'm 1/2 asleep and annoyed. When i get to studying i get too engrossed that if you talk to me in the next few minutes i'll spout random drug names like risperidone, omeperazole or clonidine without knowing what they do. When i see "dia..." i think diabetes! ... when i see OC... i think oral contraceptives... if i see another ALP, ALT,GGT ... i will think liver enzymes... so you see exams is really messing with my head!! Ok ... maybe i'd better stop. Talking to oneself is the first sign of madness after all.
Exams are coming up and its really been affecting my brain!!! I think i wake up early coz i think i have to study... but then.. i'm 1/2 asleep and annoyed. When i get to studying i get too engrossed that if you talk to me in the next few minutes i'll spout random drug names like risperidone, omeperazole or clonidine without knowing what they do. When i see "dia..." i think diabetes! ... when i see OC... i think oral contraceptives... if i see another ALP, ALT,GGT ... i will think liver enzymes... so you see exams is really messing with my head!! Ok ... maybe i'd better stop. Talking to oneself is the first sign of madness after all.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Exam blues...
Mood: Grumpy, tired... bleh
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Flour,little white balls and wacky flatmates

Another day , another set of interesting events! Today's officially my flatmate's birthday! And guess what the other 4 scheming flatmates did :p We woke her up around 7am on the excuse that we'd made her breakfast and then when she came around the corner....... ...... haha we chucked floor and polystyrene balls at her! Man! That was hilarious ... it was right at the moment when she said "I feel like i'm dreaming" ... n 'bam' wemt the flour and all ... i think she was in a bit of a shock for a while but then starting chasing us with this evil glint in her eyes! quite scary i have to say .. the four of us barricaded ourselves in the living room for fear of our lives. Our roles were as such: Jane - flour, Iris - balls, Ruth-camera, me- knock on door and lure her out :P Yep, that was surely a very early start to the day!!! not to mention a totally wacky one... better watch out for a revengeful flatmate in the future :p
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
- C. S. Lewis
Monday, October 17, 2005
Happy day!
:) Yay! my anatomy rat race is over and it wasn't as hard as i was worried it might be. I know i shouldn't really be celebrating since my finals are far from over and i'm nowhere near being prepared but hey, it was a good day! I actually won a CD and DVD from Hoyts coz i joined one of their competitions ages back. I don't really remember what it was since i joined heaps just for the fun of it. Imagine the surprise i had at seeing a parcel with my name on it in the living room at like 9am this morning? hehe (coz the couriers come around 8am)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
In appreciation
Thank you Lord, for light blue skies,
for fresh green leaves and rain that cleanses,
for life itself, to love, to breath, to feel,
to laugh, to cry, to smile, to sing,
for friends that accept you, that make you smile and tease,
who are willing to know you, to care,
for family and people around,
who make a difference just by being there,
for Your saving grace o' Lord,
to someone not worthy, imperfect and unwhole,
and for taking the dirty and making it clean again,
to look at what the world did not see,
and to make the speck of dust into a gem.
for fresh green leaves and rain that cleanses,
for life itself, to love, to breath, to feel,
to laugh, to cry, to smile, to sing,
for friends that accept you, that make you smile and tease,
who are willing to know you, to care,
for family and people around,
who make a difference just by being there,
for Your saving grace o' Lord,
to someone not worthy, imperfect and unwhole,
and for taking the dirty and making it clean again,
to look at what the world did not see,
and to make the speck of dust into a gem.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Beautiful blue skies!
Today is a lovely day! It seems that in between these cold rainy days are interleaved with bout sunshine and blue skies! My little weather icon is telling me its 17 degrees with a picture of lightning and rain ! hehe... i suppose its not that accurate...
Had a pharmacology lab today.. n we were looking at prescriptions and mistakes in them.. and it seems that mistakes in prescription are even made when misreading doctor's handwriting! which i have to admit i had trouble making out drug names as well....and did a little glucose monitoring finger prick too.. was around 4.3... which was pretty low i suppose considering i wasn't fasting.. but yeah... who knows... the range is around 4.1 to 6 mmol/l i think.. hehe well its good that i don't have to worry that i'll have diabetes or even impaired glucose tolerance -- metabolic syndrome...
Had a pharmacology lab today.. n we were looking at prescriptions and mistakes in them.. and it seems that mistakes in prescription are even made when misreading doctor's handwriting! which i have to admit i had trouble making out drug names as well....and did a little glucose monitoring finger prick too.. was around 4.3... which was pretty low i suppose considering i wasn't fasting.. but yeah... who knows... the range is around 4.1 to 6 mmol/l i think.. hehe well its good that i don't have to worry that i'll have diabetes or even impaired glucose tolerance -- metabolic syndrome...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Of swings and daffodils... rain and cloud
What is the world coming to? Hehe i think thats a pretty cliche question but i wonder... coz there's so many things going on nowadays... there's heaps of natural diasasters for one thing ... there was the tsunami and then hurricane.... n even london bombings and now there's an earthquake in Kashmir... so many lives lost... n yet everyday as i wander to n fro from classes and all i feel safe in this world i live in. I see parents picking their children up from the daycare at the hospital... i see little kids jumping up n down on the swings and the sandpit... father's who are like 6 ft tall with little toddlers wich are like only as tall as their leg... its so sweet... so calm ... my biggest worries are exams... n how to get through classes and all that n yet they dull in comparision to so many other things that are going on. I feel so selfish at times coz they are heaps more ppl in pain out there ... n yet all i think about mostly is my next meal.. my next class .. my next test? My world sure has shrunk a lot.
I think it's the weather too.. when its gloomy and rainy like this i reflect on many things... it would probably do me good to move to a sunnier climate... :p
I think it's the weather too.. when its gloomy and rainy like this i reflect on many things... it would probably do me good to move to a sunnier climate... :p
"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them. Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
- Isaiah 40:6-8
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Doodling my thoughts...
Just a note i've posted up the pics from Ruth's b-day on gallery 3 ..same password.. abc.. :)
Another day has past... i think time is moving so quickly... Someone mentioned lately, that "you have to be a good follower" / "menjadi pengikut yang baik" n i thought, well that depends who i'm following really. What if i don't really want to follow the leader coz i don't really want to even be part of this really. Hmm.. n Sunday we did some stuff about being a good leader which i thought was quite good. A leader that commands people to follow just based on their position alone is not going to last. Its also about taking care of your followers and developing relationships with everyone so that when they follow its out of willingness and not just some weird obligation or a commonly used word in Malaysia for unpopular events os by making them "wajib" ie "compulsory"!!
Another day has past... i think time is moving so quickly... Someone mentioned lately, that "you have to be a good follower" / "menjadi pengikut yang baik" n i thought, well that depends who i'm following really. What if i don't really want to follow the leader coz i don't really want to even be part of this really. Hmm.. n Sunday we did some stuff about being a good leader which i thought was quite good. A leader that commands people to follow just based on their position alone is not going to last. Its also about taking care of your followers and developing relationships with everyone so that when they follow its out of willingness and not just some weird obligation or a commonly used word in Malaysia for unpopular events os by making them "wajib" ie "compulsory"!!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Exam blues...
Mood: Grumpy, tired... bleh
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
Mood: Grumpy, tired... bleh
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
Mood: grumpy, tired.... bleh...
I think this is what exams does to a person. I just feel so annoyed, everyday is like study study study.. but then my mind rebels and says no! No! don't study... mix in some guilt, annoyance and too many naps n yeah... not the perkiest exam student around.
Just a thought about God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." Can we say we deserve the things we get ? Thus, be grateful and do the best with what we have been given.
I think this is what exams does to a person. I just feel so annoyed, everyday is like study study study.. but then my mind rebels and says no! No! don't study... mix in some guilt, annoyance and too many naps n yeah... not the perkiest exam student around.
Just a thought about God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." Can we say we deserve the things we get ? Thus, be grateful and do the best with what we have been given.
Hello! Its the day after Ruth's (aka my flatmate's) big 21st bash!! was fun... although quite tiring esp yesterday! I had the day off for once. Woke up late coz i spent the night be4 recording last minute b-day messages.. :p n then went shopping in the afternoon ... helped baked the cake ... cooked hte rice... chicken... touched up the power point n finished the last of the speech recordings! All within the nick of time. Not to mention actually went to the pary a wee bit late :p like maybe 30mins? hehe... but i'm sure R didn't mind .. hehe.. Me n Ange were doing games!! Only played 2 of our 3. One of them was chinese whispers with a wacky sentence courtesy of Alastair. Even i can't really remember it ... sthg like , " As i was walking down the street, it started to rain and i took out my Ruth-tastic umbrella and out popped a Ruth idol that sang "Happy 21st birthday Ruth!"... well thats my rendition of it anyway.. any prizes for me ? :p Got back pretty late n all last night.. n then did our late night pic taking and eat back at the flat hehe since we ended up with quite a lot of food n an intact cake !! hehe.... oh yeah... yum yum yum....

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Have been doing a lot of stuff on cancer lately! n yes... cancer did originate from "crab" interestingly enough.. so i suppose its the same one as the horoscope cancer :p it seems kinda like a very generalised and "scary" term since anything cancer has to be very bad... like a taboo word among patients somehow :P and we gotta like differentiate a growth from a cancer since not all tumors are cancerous... only the malignant ones ...
hehe.. oh well... most common cancers in order are :
hehe.. oh well... most common cancers in order are :
Pancreas !?
Pancreas !?
Sunday, September 25, 2005
a sad light shone
turning into wings that cut the white darkness
shone upon by the cold sun
I had some limited freedom
the miraculous night cast by the mirror
started to remove my mask, my soul
on the other side of the collapsing wall
despair and hope looks the same
if there's a heart that's yet to be seen
lets head to the end of the prologue
the fake light is disappearing
the true light is born
in these hands...
the fake light is disappearing
the true light is born
in these hands...
pierce through the night dyed in white
keep on creating a new era
create time with your heart
fly through the eternal white night
--- english translation
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Phew i feel tired somehow... so much to do ... not enough time and yet... sometimes i just procrastinate... I also realise that sometimes i'm just a huge coward. For some reason... or maybe putting it nicely i have strong self preservation skills. I'm unlikely to step out of my nice comfy cycle if it is going to cause me any distress beyond my normal "homeostatic" abilites :p
Did venupuncture practice yesterday which is like practicing drawing blood from people. And i gotta say that i was pretty traumatized somehow... to my embarassment.. sigh... i didn't feel too good after my fren failed to draw blood on two tries n i think i turned a bit pale... somehow i would attribute that more to psychology then anything coz there wasn't any bleeding at all.. n come to think of it i do get very freaked out over any blood taking thingy .. sigh.. how pitiful... to have so many "phobias" ... sound like a chicken... :p
Did venupuncture practice yesterday which is like practicing drawing blood from people. And i gotta say that i was pretty traumatized somehow... to my embarassment.. sigh... i didn't feel too good after my fren failed to draw blood on two tries n i think i turned a bit pale... somehow i would attribute that more to psychology then anything coz there wasn't any bleeding at all.. n come to think of it i do get very freaked out over any blood taking thingy .. sigh.. how pitiful... to have so many "phobias" ... sound like a chicken... :p
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Juggling pins...
Whoa! My first week back from holiday and its almost all gone!! And i feel sooo.. tired .. i think i'm seriously getting lazy from the holidays.... the lectures feel like they are too long... hehe and many things happened this week really.. i'm gonna stay in Dunedin for next year... need to find a flat... found a flat ... need to contemplate flatmates and place to stay and all those things plus keeping up with work, studies and sleep... man i really wanna sleep in sometime... :p
Life somehow seems like a complex juggling of many things trying to find the balance without having to drop any of them ... and also teetering at the edge of falling off and staying on? Although sometimes i think everything comes crashing down and it seems hopeless but then somehow God puts them back together as quickly as he has made them all fall apart? Makes me realise how much it means to depend on God really... coz without the "thorn" in my side i think i'd go overboard although with too much trouble i think i'd fall apart.. so isn't it one very intricate balancing act? It's altogether unpredictable i'd say so why stress too much? :)
"God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
and the mountains quake with their surging. "
Psalm 46:1-3
Life somehow seems like a complex juggling of many things trying to find the balance without having to drop any of them ... and also teetering at the edge of falling off and staying on? Although sometimes i think everything comes crashing down and it seems hopeless but then somehow God puts them back together as quickly as he has made them all fall apart? Makes me realise how much it means to depend on God really... coz without the "thorn" in my side i think i'd go overboard although with too much trouble i think i'd fall apart.. so isn't it one very intricate balancing act? It's altogether unpredictable i'd say so why stress too much? :)
"God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
and the mountains quake with their surging. "
Psalm 46:1-3
Friday, September 09, 2005
Bus bus bus around....
Today me n Ruth went all the way to Pak n Save and Warehouse in South Dunedin! Of course we didn't actually walk the like 1 hour day.. we just decided to be smarter and use public transportation :p it turned out that it wasn't all that hard to catch a bus there anyway... even though initially we just went to the bus stop and like hung around coz we couldn't figure out which one to take ! and we also paid a visit to Angela where she was working :p Altogether quite fun.... spent some time wondering around and all and bought quite a bit of stuff from pak n save.. Can't miss the chance to go shopping a bit.
I'm still getting over my haircut.. sigh.. assuming that not too many ppl read this blog and the ones that are reading it alreaddy know :p so yeah.. i think i got it cut tooooooo short........ i got a variety of kinda weird comments... like i look like a schoolgirl or i just came from m'sia? hmmm... i donno if i actually wanna look that young..... ..... i was sorta gonna go for the more mature, slick, evil look :p hehehe....
oh well.... thats life...... not too exciting not too dull...
I'm still getting over my haircut.. sigh.. assuming that not too many ppl read this blog and the ones that are reading it alreaddy know :p so yeah.. i think i got it cut tooooooo short........ i got a variety of kinda weird comments... like i look like a schoolgirl or i just came from m'sia? hmmm... i donno if i actually wanna look that young..... ..... i was sorta gonna go for the more mature, slick, evil look :p hehehe....
oh well.... thats life...... not too exciting not too dull...
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Searching, waiting... slacking...
I think my blog is getting a bit desolate :p... got back on Saturday but haven't really been feeling up to update coz i think all that negative energy should be channelled elsewhere or else i'm gonna be sounding very bitter and annoyed....
My holidays is still on unlike maybe quite a lot of people but its getting back into a routine thats hard... been kinda doing a mix of slacking off and thinking about studying... might i emphasize the word "thinking" not "doing".... argh!!!
"The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail."
Isaiah 58:11
My holidays is still on unlike maybe quite a lot of people but its getting back into a routine thats hard... been kinda doing a mix of slacking off and thinking about studying... might i emphasize the word "thinking" not "doing".... argh!!!
"The LORD will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail."
Isaiah 58:11
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Start of holidays!
How nice.. its finally the start of the midterm break..... and yet.. i feel tired... hmmm the week must have worn me out.. i guess coz i had quite a lot of bad news and am still not very settled with where i'm going next year. Its confusing and sometimes i do wonder if God is staying away from me for this time... sigh ...
'When I was young i had dreams, of the prince and princess and happily ever afters, when hope was of a future of sunshine and flowers. As I grew older the dreams became maybes and reality set in. The dreams became just a myth of days long past. The harsh realities were learnt through failures, mistakes and the simple cruelty of life. And then the hopes became just dreams, of a time that would not come to pass. A refuge in the innermost self when the evils became too much. Survival was for the adaptable and that little part where you once thought all was perfect and beautiful was lost to the tides of practicality and reality.'
'When I was young i had dreams, of the prince and princess and happily ever afters, when hope was of a future of sunshine and flowers. As I grew older the dreams became maybes and reality set in. The dreams became just a myth of days long past. The harsh realities were learnt through failures, mistakes and the simple cruelty of life. And then the hopes became just dreams, of a time that would not come to pass. A refuge in the innermost self when the evils became too much. Survival was for the adaptable and that little part where you once thought all was perfect and beautiful was lost to the tides of practicality and reality.'
Friday, August 19, 2005
What a blast!!!
Wow... i'm blown away.. i went to the sharing by a guy who like basically died.. went to see heaven, hell n God n was risen again! It was just amazing! The detail and all and what more he related it to the Bible quite specifically... Its just awesome how God can be so amazing!!! Even though he wasn't a Christian he was guided by God to accept Christ like just before he actually died... it was just totally so supernatural and yet real! God is real!
"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' " Luke 16:31
"He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' " Luke 16:31
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Waaahh... relief.. so glad that my "rat race" ie anatomy test is over :p.. now i can at least take a deep breath and relax.. the week has been way too hectic for my liking and i've done none of my many computer tests yet. I know i'll have to pay the price of that next week ...
oh well.. did i mention we have caught 5 mice now so far.. hehe .. but none today...either there's no more or the idea of just a raisin with no nutella coating is not very attractive to the average mouse oh well... i think i'll just type less and rest more... :p
Rest........ ahhhhh.........
oh well.. did i mention we have caught 5 mice now so far.. hehe .. but none today...either there's no more or the idea of just a raisin with no nutella coating is not very attractive to the average mouse oh well... i think i'll just type less and rest more... :p
Rest........ ahhhhh.........
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Ooh.. hehe mouse update.. we've caught 4 mice so far!!! Don't think thats supposed to be a good thing..... but hope we don't get anymore or maybe they'll just go away and leave us alone. I guess i won't post up the pics then..... hehe since it is pretty gruesome.. hmmm.. but i took pics of all 4 of them.. i'll have to figure out where to put them...
Sigh today has been a very tiring day.. i don't feel like doing anything.. i'm just glad my communication skills interview was over... n i've handed in the tape and book.. hopefully i don't have to do it anymore...
I want to take a nap!!! :( but i still have work....
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28
Sigh today has been a very tiring day.. i don't feel like doing anything.. i'm just glad my communication skills interview was over... n i've handed in the tape and book.. hopefully i don't have to do it anymore...
I want to take a nap!!! :( but i still have work....
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Pest control!
Our flat has a problem with mice... or to be more specific one mouse... that has been scurrying around in the cupboards leaving poop!!! ... eeww.... n today a friend lent us a rat trap which was set up n we managed to catch the mouse!! It was so gross.. eewwww... the poor little (kinda cute) brown mouse was caught under the trap ... with big black eyes still open.. so freaky.. i think ruth is severely traumatised coz she was there when it actually happened...!! Poor little mouse.. although can't say i'm not happy its gone!
Oh well weekend... next week is gonna be busy .. not looking forward to it... not really in a mood to study too but i know i got to arghhhh! its so annoying... hmmm.. should i post that pic of the mouse? its very disturbing.. i have to say....
Oh well weekend... next week is gonna be busy .. not looking forward to it... not really in a mood to study too but i know i got to arghhhh! its so annoying... hmmm.. should i post that pic of the mouse? its very disturbing.. i have to say....
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Overdue b-day post!
Hehe i know this post is long overdue.. i just have been really busy with all the work n stuff n today i finally have more time on my hands!! I just feel so blessed to have such great friends! My b-day was on Tuesday n can u believe what angela did ? she threw cream at me!!! EEEEeeeeew... not sthg i particularly enjoyed but i have to congratulate them on their dedication and reasonable success even if the aim was oh so a bit off :p ...The plan was.. i think that she would come to my place early.. whereby 2 of my naughty flatmates let her in at 5am nonetheless .. n set stuff up.. n so i got a miss call at 6.45 am ? eventhough angela said she'd come over at 7.10am.. no. 1 suspicious factor :p.. no. 2 was that when i opened the door eventually.. (coz i didn't really wanna wake up, was trying to ignore the call) there was like all these paper taped across my door? which i think i was supposed to walk through but i'm blur but not totally stupid :p so yeah.. i just kinda ripped the edges off... nicely :p hehe n got through... no. 3 suspicious factor was that the light in the hallway was on ... at 6 sthg in the morning? quite unlikely.. hehe and the no.4 factor.. which was quite a tell-tell sign.. was that Ruth was hiding under the window next to the door leading to the kitchen... i peeked in and saw her straight away :p.. (in red pajamas too!) hehe.. but stil i opened the door.. carefully.. stuck my hand in to on the light.. but then.... see this is where i got ambushed... !! And splat this icky mess of white cream.... ok .. that was totally expected i suppose .. hehe n a whole bunch of white polystyrene balls which totally stuck everywhere !! Argh!! hehe took a shower n got treated to a nice breakfast after! (did i mention that the bathroom mirror was done up with Lipstick!! which took some effort to get off !!!)
:) It's nice to have someone care enough to do something like that i suppose... (looking on the bright side! ) and also really grateful to all my friends n flatmates who managed the dinner thingy on Saturday! Was really nice... very yummy double choc mocha cake :p n the candles n lovely Blue n White balloons in the flat were a lovely surprise ! :) So really big THANK YOU to all !! gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside :P
:) It's nice to have someone care enough to do something like that i suppose... (looking on the bright side! ) and also really grateful to all my friends n flatmates who managed the dinner thingy on Saturday! Was really nice... very yummy double choc mocha cake :p n the candles n lovely Blue n White balloons in the flat were a lovely surprise ! :) So really big THANK YOU to all !! gives me that warm fuzzy feeling inside :P
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Hmmm.. i've just been trying to post a pic from angela's b-day party from last week but its not going up!! arghhhh.. hehe....
anyway have been going through Purpose Driven Life n i find it very good. Its really giving me a perspective on eternity. I kinda realise that this life is not forever, its temporary and God has promised so much more to come. So what am I to do? This life is full of challenges and how we face it will affect how we spend eternity! To be faithful in what little we have now and we will be able to be faithful with bigger things when we are entrusted with them in hte future. Its hard in a sense coz its just so abstract. I can't see the end of the line.. i can't see what's gonna happen in the future and its just so easy to fall back and live life for my own gain.
It's really like a struggle all the way.. n sometimes you're up sometimes you're down.. so confusing... But i suppose God never promised life would be easy. But He did promise us the strength to carry on.
To live a life that brings glory to God... He has given us all that we are n i believe true fullfillment, joy, peace, rest... is through Him only.
anyway have been going through Purpose Driven Life n i find it very good. Its really giving me a perspective on eternity. I kinda realise that this life is not forever, its temporary and God has promised so much more to come. So what am I to do? This life is full of challenges and how we face it will affect how we spend eternity! To be faithful in what little we have now and we will be able to be faithful with bigger things when we are entrusted with them in hte future. Its hard in a sense coz its just so abstract. I can't see the end of the line.. i can't see what's gonna happen in the future and its just so easy to fall back and live life for my own gain.
"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen itemporary but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18
It's really like a struggle all the way.. n sometimes you're up sometimes you're down.. so confusing... But i suppose God never promised life would be easy. But He did promise us the strength to carry on.
"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness." 2 Peter 1:3
To live a life that brings glory to God... He has given us all that we are n i believe true fullfillment, joy, peace, rest... is through Him only.
"Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." John 4:13-14
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Times past...
I'm devastated!! I just finished reading Harry Potter Book 6 like after a 2 day marathon or so.. since i'm more free these few days... ... ... ... the front was pretty mundane .. just describing the normal stuff.. but man.. the ending.... was soooo sad... n very inconclusive... its a pity i already got quite a bit of spoilers from other ppl but still...well now that i've finished that can get it out of my system for a while.. its been annoying not being able to finish the book when i have had it for a while already :p ...
I guess just reminiscing..friends are really special people... aside from family... And yet sometimes the greatest joy is not what a person can give you but what joy you can give them. Somehow its more fulfilling that way.. hehe.. although it may be a bit self righteous n all i suppose... ~~~~~~~~ ok i'm babbling...
I guess just reminiscing..friends are really special people... aside from family... And yet sometimes the greatest joy is not what a person can give you but what joy you can give them. Somehow its more fulfilling that way.. hehe.. although it may be a bit self righteous n all i suppose... ~~~~~~~~ ok i'm babbling...
Monday, August 01, 2005
New week...
wOW time sure flies.. its monday already!! n i haven't updated for an age it seems ;P.. was really busy last week with classes n stuff n angela's b-day party on Saturday!! Eventhough it didn't go exactly according to our "wonderful" plan.. i think it still worked out pretty well ! At least we accomplished on of our missions on that night.. hehehe... Got back real late on Sat night.. man was i tired.. amazing that i still managed to get up for school of leaders on sat with some txt msging from Josh.. can't imagine how anyone can naturally wake up early !
Ooh n yesterday we "nearly" managed to cream angela!! Unfortunately she tilted her head back at the last moment!!! Arghhh.. should have applied more force..!!!! hmph!!!! no fair..but i guess she still willingly creamed herself for us after that :p.. hehe .!!! I can't wait to see those pics :p
n yeah.. today is monday... busy day.. again!! 8am start really does not help my mood n enthusiasm first thing in the week oh well.....
Ooh n yesterday we "nearly" managed to cream angela!! Unfortunately she tilted her head back at the last moment!!! Arghhh.. should have applied more force..!!!! hmph!!!! no fair..but i guess she still willingly creamed herself for us after that :p.. hehe .!!! I can't wait to see those pics :p
n yeah.. today is monday... busy day.. again!! 8am start really does not help my mood n enthusiasm first thing in the week oh well.....
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Stressful days...
Man .. my week has just been so busy! Arghhhhh ... starting with Monday i was really nervous about my communication skills filmed interview that afternoon and after the interview i didn't feel any better knowing that i kinda screwed up the whole thing!!! Awkard long silences and messed up questions... sigh.. then 8am lectures on tuesday.. lab preparations...and had my elective that afternoon.. some stuff about how europeans went to india and found the climate awfully hard to live in? did my computer test n failed... which wouldn't have been too bad added on to the fact that i found out that i was balloted out !And now i really don't know what to do? Should i move? Amidst the chaos in my head that night i spent a good two hours at library just transcribing my stupid interview.. which i had to present on wednesday. And all through the process berating myself on how i could have said all that silly stuff and made all those embarassing mistakes!!!!!! Interview presentation on wednesday... another stressful event and another shot at computer test which i thankfully passed.
So yeah.. the days have not been particularly peaceful... i did enjoy the anatomy labs today and on tuesday though.. we were doing some dissection on the neck area.. Today we actually literally sawed the neck off (think "pancung kepala") as well as the head in half in the sagittal plane just so that we could take a look at the structures in the larynx and pharynx. It was good to look at but the sawing was just horrible!! So gruesome... Glad that we don't do that to live patients.. :p
So yeah.. the days have not been particularly peaceful... i did enjoy the anatomy labs today and on tuesday though.. we were doing some dissection on the neck area.. Today we actually literally sawed the neck off (think "pancung kepala") as well as the head in half in the sagittal plane just so that we could take a look at the structures in the larynx and pharynx. It was good to look at but the sawing was just horrible!! So gruesome... Glad that we don't do that to live patients.. :p
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Rest for the weary...
Yay end of 1st week or maybe no-yay.. since it marks one week closer to my finals :p I was kinda worn out i supposed n slept in till "late" which is really amazing coz i dun usually sleep till that close to noon :o ! Today harry potter book 6 came out around 11am i think n yeah about 2hours or so later i was out in town to procure this very interesting albeit "children's" book hehe which with Angela turned out to be a pretty long shopping excursion as we just have the incredible way of being sidetracked all the time!!
Went to the last night of the Getsmart conference thingy tonight n it was great! Talked quite a bit about influence. And i guess its true we may not think that we r doing significant harm or benefit but sometimes little things count and as a whole we r almost undefeatable ! :) What also hit me was the fact that we spend so little time with GOd each day and so much time for ourselves yet always like to expect so much! Boy, i'm really selfish! I have to say there's a long way to go! But small steps...big distances hehe :) n hey its better to be brainwashed to do good than to do evil!
"I am laid low in dust;
preserve my life according to your word.
I have recounted my ways and you have answered me;
teach me your decrees.
Let me understand the teaching of your precepts;
then i will meditate on your wonders.
My soul is weary with sorrow;
strengthen me according to your word."
Went to the last night of the Getsmart conference thingy tonight n it was great! Talked quite a bit about influence. And i guess its true we may not think that we r doing significant harm or benefit but sometimes little things count and as a whole we r almost undefeatable ! :) What also hit me was the fact that we spend so little time with GOd each day and so much time for ourselves yet always like to expect so much! Boy, i'm really selfish! I have to say there's a long way to go! But small steps...big distances hehe :) n hey its better to be brainwashed to do good than to do evil!
"I am laid low in dust;
preserve my life according to your word.
I have recounted my ways and you have answered me;
teach me your decrees.
Let me understand the teaching of your precepts;
then i will meditate on your wonders.
My soul is weary with sorrow;
strengthen me according to your word."
Psalm 119:25-28
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Hmm 2 1/2 days into lectures already.. i have to say i'm a bit bored... lectures do have a tendency to drive u off to sleep especially if u have to wake up at 7am almost every single day! I can't help but complain a bit :p I had my elective yesterday which was something called European Encoutners in new worlds n old .. its a history elective which i kinda chose coz i thought it might be "interesting" but i guess i should have known better. At the moment i don't really find it particularyly stimulating and it kinda went against my expectations of history like i thought maybe some cultural revolution or sthg but instead its focussed mainly on NZ n esp on healtha issues... sigh..we have to write these 250-300word blurbs just to show our progress or sthg for each "seminar" hehe sounds posh.. n on the spur of the moment i wrote mine at 12am last night.. hehe coz it thought might as well get it over with as i might actually forget the content in a while.. :p
Just to give a brief idea of what i thought it was about, this is an excerpt from my blurb thingy which i think as i wrote it in a semi-conscious state is a bit incoherent .. ;p n i don't really know what my opinion is...
" There was also quite a prevalent belief on the impact of environment as a cause and also cure to disease. There was the idea of miasma – polluted air in areas like swamps, industrial areas and poorer quality environments as the cause of disease like malaria and diptheria. In contrast nature was also advocated as a cure where people went to the seaside, countryside, spas and planted trees in a belief that this aided in health. This is comparable to the practice of alternative medicine in the modern society. The theories are not proven but more based on observations due to the lack of knowledge at the time. Although, the benefits of a good environment may be considered, the idea of miasma seems harder to justify. Miasma is in a way related to the hygiene issues at the time as the need for proper sanitation and clean water was recognized. In modern day, this may translate into the relationship between poor socioeconomic status and health."
hehe ok la... i think i'm unneccessarily lengthening this post.. hehe. oh n about my decision thing i kinda just chose n submitted my choice already yesterday. So now its just up to God where i will end up next year! Just hope for the best n that i won't get balloted out into going to Wellington!
Just to give a brief idea of what i thought it was about, this is an excerpt from my blurb thingy which i think as i wrote it in a semi-conscious state is a bit incoherent .. ;p n i don't really know what my opinion is...
" There was also quite a prevalent belief on the impact of environment as a cause and also cure to disease. There was the idea of miasma – polluted air in areas like swamps, industrial areas and poorer quality environments as the cause of disease like malaria and diptheria. In contrast nature was also advocated as a cure where people went to the seaside, countryside, spas and planted trees in a belief that this aided in health. This is comparable to the practice of alternative medicine in the modern society. The theories are not proven but more based on observations due to the lack of knowledge at the time. Although, the benefits of a good environment may be considered, the idea of miasma seems harder to justify. Miasma is in a way related to the hygiene issues at the time as the need for proper sanitation and clean water was recognized. In modern day, this may translate into the relationship between poor socioeconomic status and health."
hehe ok la... i think i'm unneccessarily lengthening this post.. hehe. oh n about my decision thing i kinda just chose n submitted my choice already yesterday. So now its just up to God where i will end up next year! Just hope for the best n that i won't get balloted out into going to Wellington!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
Heralding the end of holidays...
Today's saturday.. n yes i know i have not been partigularly vigilant in updating my blog, but then the week hasn't been that interesting either :p The week was speckled with bouts of shopping, hanging out with some friends, n quite a bit of movie watching with angela.. hehe interestingly enough... Oh n yeah the pipe in our hallway leaked during the big hailstorm yesterday... pretty shocking really just suddenly heard this really loud pouring of water n lo n behold there's a waterfall outside my door... :p
Hehe.. n today when i was going to look for a fren i accidently knocked on the door of her neighbour.. man that was embarassing! Fortunately i do know her neighbour although i realise now the dangers of having a row of identical flats next to each other... hmmmm
Well i guess thats the day... Other than that i'm still in a dilemma about a certain decision to make.. argh CONFUSION... oh welll... :S
Hehe.. n today when i was going to look for a fren i accidently knocked on the door of her neighbour.. man that was embarassing! Fortunately i do know her neighbour although i realise now the dangers of having a row of identical flats next to each other... hmmmm
Well i guess thats the day... Other than that i'm still in a dilemma about a certain decision to make.. argh CONFUSION... oh welll... :S
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Sunday, July 03, 2005
Phew.... (wipes sweat of forehead) that took a long time to put up n resize the pics from the road trip! n yeah.. i didn't really put all but anyway.. u'll get the story... its on a new gallery which is Gallery 3 on the right side bar, pass = abc as usual.. hehe..
n yeah below is a map of our route ... hehe so all those names won't sound so alien! We started from dunedin - caitlins - invercargill - bluff - kingston - queenstown - arrowtown - wanaka - dunedin .. i kinda vandalised one of the maps (hope Jane doesn't mind :p, but then.. the trips over anyway)
Other than that the day has been quite nice! really nice weather for a change.. still pretty boring n all but i guess just trying to treasure the peaceful moments i have before the pace starts to pick up again. Thank God for great friends n flatmates ! To keep up the good cheer n make life just that bit more fun. :)
n yeah below is a map of our route ... hehe so all those names won't sound so alien! We started from dunedin - caitlins - invercargill - bluff - kingston - queenstown - arrowtown - wanaka - dunedin .. i kinda vandalised one of the maps (hope Jane doesn't mind :p, but then.. the trips over anyway)
Other than that the day has been quite nice! really nice weather for a change.. still pretty boring n all but i guess just trying to treasure the peaceful moments i have before the pace starts to pick up again. Thank God for great friends n flatmates ! To keep up the good cheer n make life just that bit more fun. :)
"Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my savior."
Habakkuk 3:17-18
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Hello...! Yes i'm back from my roadtrip to a few places around south island... Just got back last night so yeah.. its taking me a while to get my pics and all sorted out. It has been a great trip and i'm really thankful to my flatmate for driving us around ! coz non of the rest of us can drive lor! :) Anyway, this lovely pic was taken at Nugget Point on Day 1 somewhere at the south part of south island as we were touring past Caitlins! Lovely view isn't it? And there is also a lighthouse behind me although u can't see it in this pic.

Sunday, June 26, 2005
Just a wee mention that i've posted up the pics from my trip to Ashburton n the potluck last monday in gallery 2 ! Pass=abc as usual :) Will be off to invercargill and Caitlins tomorrow if all goes well n then to Queenstown and will probably be back late Wednesday so the blog will be lonely for a few more days :p

Hello! i'm back from Ashburton! It was a great n fun trip even if a bit tiring.. hehe.. anyway the pic is with me at the lord of the ring's site!!! Yes! Behind me is Sundae Island it was the place where the kingdom of Rohan... place where the castle of Edoras was in The Two Towers!! If u don't believe me compare with the other pic i've put up for ref.. :P 

Saturday, June 18, 2005
1st day of real holiday!
I guess being a overly practical person has its downsides since i tend to look at reality as it is! So i tend not too get overly excited or depressed :p.. And in a way that kinda says that i'm dull? Argh... not really wat i was wanting to be... hmmm... well hopefully this "dull" person will be able to have an interesting holiday :p
Friday, June 17, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Hmm.. seems that i haven't had a proper post as of late .. i guess even if its post exams u would think i would be more free.. but i guess i just felt like doing nothing for a while to recover from doing too many things :p
Today was pretty interesting although awfully long.. i guess i haven't had a full 9am-5pm day that much this year n its really getting on my concentration coz i really can't "sustain" my interest when the day just doesn't seem to end! But on the positive side some stuff was pretty interesting ! Got to watch like about 4 pregnancy videos today.. it was pretty amazing, the process of having a baby n seeing its head popping out from the women's vagina! A bit unnerving i have to say coz i'm wondering if i want to go through all that , but i think considering the joy of having a child -- should be worth it right?
Tomorrow will be the last day n to be frank i'm pretty happy about it. I'm not so looking forward to the week to come but i guess being somewhere other than dunedin should prove to be at least more intersting hehe... I still find the weather not nice at all n i've resorted to bundling up really warmly n trekking through the hospital instead of going around it just coz its warmer heheh -- not that that short distance is much difference :p
Today was pretty interesting although awfully long.. i guess i haven't had a full 9am-5pm day that much this year n its really getting on my concentration coz i really can't "sustain" my interest when the day just doesn't seem to end! But on the positive side some stuff was pretty interesting ! Got to watch like about 4 pregnancy videos today.. it was pretty amazing, the process of having a baby n seeing its head popping out from the women's vagina! A bit unnerving i have to say coz i'm wondering if i want to go through all that , but i think considering the joy of having a child -- should be worth it right?
Tomorrow will be the last day n to be frank i'm pretty happy about it. I'm not so looking forward to the week to come but i guess being somewhere other than dunedin should prove to be at least more intersting hehe... I still find the weather not nice at all n i've resorted to bundling up really warmly n trekking through the hospital instead of going around it just coz its warmer heheh -- not that that short distance is much difference :p
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Exams are over... classes are back
Hello.. haven't bothered to update for a while.. i guess i've been feeling a bit slack.. didn't do too well in exam so i guess its not adding anything to my mood.. ... we got the answers the moment we handed in our papers sigh ... i still have full days of classes too 9am-5pm.. makes me feel kinda tired n very disinterested n what we're studying.. I'm just yearning to have some holidays! Arghhhh.. esp after exams....Oh well.. not too long to go... although it'll probably be another week before i get "true" holidays.... 
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Friday, June 10, 2005
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Monday, June 06, 2005
Holiday yet no holiday...
Hi ! Today is Queen's b-day so we all got the day off but sad to say can't really enjoy myself.. with all the upcoming exams and stuff i'm forced to try to study.. :p.. can't say i'm progressing too well but i guess i can't stop trying now.. or else i'll be doomed come exam day ... Been studying about some drugs n stuff.. man so complicated.. how is it that for any drug they have to be so many trade names? hmm.. n then so many side effects n contraindications and what not! Argh i think i need some antidepressants and anxiolytics (anti-anxiety drugs) too !
"... In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Saturday, June 04, 2005
What God Hath Promised
God hath not promised
Skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways
All our lives through;
God hath not promised
Sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow,
Peace without pain.
But God hath promised
Strength for the day,
Rest for the labor,
Light for the way,
Grace for the trials,
Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy,
Undying love.
Skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways
All our lives through;
God hath not promised
Sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow,
Peace without pain.
But God hath promised
Strength for the day,
Rest for the labor,
Light for the way,
Grace for the trials,
Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy,
Undying love.
-- Annie Johnson Flint
Waaa... today is soooo cold..don't wanna leave my flat at all... this is a good sign that winter is finally here-- not good! Haven't done much today just trying to do a bit of study but ended up taking a nap sometime in the afternoon :p... hehe...
Friday, June 03, 2005
Wahhh... the week is gone , already?
Mmm.. the week sure has flown by real fast.. :p.. By the way it snowed this morning !! I woke up freezing cold n looked out of the window n thought wow!! Its snowing.. heaps of snowflakes drifting by at high speed! Got my self changed, ready n left like 30 mins later.. just to find that it was still snowing!! But by then my "wow!" had become "oh no!" i have to walk in the freezing wind n snow to tutorial!! Not a good prospect... but anyway.. that was me armed with my umbrella nicely bundled up at 8.50am hehe -- forgot my gloves though so i had really really frozen fingers.... it felt so numb like i had stuck my hand in the freezer n left it there overnight :p
Anyway had a lot of lectures concerning reproduction lately..coz we're doing a reproduction, development and aging module. Managed to see the in vitro fertilisation part where they remove some sperm -- like it was just sucked up by a tube tail first!! and then injected into an egg which looked kinda squashed as they tried to poke it.. :p.. yeah.. n heaps of slides on sperm like telling us how to distinguish a good count, morphology(shape of its head :p) and motility(speed) -- kinda resembles heaps of tadpoles just swimming around... hehe -- quite interesting ...
Anyway had a lot of lectures concerning reproduction lately..coz we're doing a reproduction, development and aging module. Managed to see the in vitro fertilisation part where they remove some sperm -- like it was just sucked up by a tube tail first!! and then injected into an egg which looked kinda squashed as they tried to poke it.. :p.. yeah.. n heaps of slides on sperm like telling us how to distinguish a good count, morphology(shape of its head :p) and motility(speed) -- kinda resembles heaps of tadpoles just swimming around... hehe -- quite interesting ...
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Anatomy overload O.o
Had heaps of anatomy today.. like 2 labs this morning totalling 4 hours.. -_- .. had a real bad headache this afternoon too.... donno if its due to the kinda boring health economics lecture or maybe the over stuffy lecture theatre.. mmm.. felt kinda crap... although it seems for me a lot of things seemed to be cured by food :p.. after a happy meal.. i feel much better !
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
1st hurdle over... more to come!
Helo.... i'm here post-anatomy exam feels better to have it off my shoulders... but man i just feel tired........ kinda worn out somehow.... sigh... i didn't do a late night or anything..but i did managed to finish almost an entire block of Whittakers Almond Gold.. in the process of preparing.. i hope that doesn't add on to my waistline anytime soon :p
Nothing much i guess just so much anatomy these days... had anatomy lab after the test n then having 2 more labs tomolo n 1 more the day after! O.o i feel kinda appalled just thinking about it... especially since its all related to sexual organ anatomy ..'cough cough'.... so yeah... i don't really feel very inclined to touch the prosections too much :p
Nothing much i guess just so much anatomy these days... had anatomy lab after the test n then having 2 more labs tomolo n 1 more the day after! O.o i feel kinda appalled just thinking about it... especially since its all related to sexual organ anatomy ..'cough cough'.... so yeah... i don't really feel very inclined to touch the prosections too much :p
Sunday, May 29, 2005
The quiet before the storm...
Anatomy test is just a day away! mmm...... scary.... its the need to study coupled with the desire to just fool around.. sigh... its really bad to be feeling any sort of complacency at this period in time... I need a motivation booster!!
"Trust in the Lord with you heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make you paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Today is Saturday! The weekend at last.. can say i'm grateful but also can say i'm tired n i donno what i did with it.. my Sat is almost gone n i donno what productive thing i've done... arghhh... sometimes i'm too complacent for my own good ... Weekends tend to have the effect of killing most of my will to study n etc... plus i guess i'm kinda picky when studying.. need to be quiet n alone with everything at my i don't waste time hunting for notes or sthg .. sigh.....
but today Homegroup was fun.. hehe ... it was Ming's birthday n we had heaps of games n stuff.. mmmm... Its nice to just see everyone getting together n mingling n having fun :) although some of the things people do are a bit outrageous -- like tossing a person in the air? i'm glad i'm not the one being flipped :p
So yeah just praying for more concentration n motivation! And also a verse i read a couple of days back:
but today Homegroup was fun.. hehe ... it was Ming's birthday n we had heaps of games n stuff.. mmmm... Its nice to just see everyone getting together n mingling n having fun :) although some of the things people do are a bit outrageous -- like tossing a person in the air? i'm glad i'm not the one being flipped :p
So yeah just praying for more concentration n motivation! And also a verse i read a couple of days back:
"If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind." James 1:5-6
Just reminded me of the need to trust n expect an answer when i pray coz God will answer!! Its just sometimes we forget about it or don't really care ..... And yeah i realised i have an answered prayer too :P didn't realise it was answered until i took a good look n thought oh yeah, it happened already........ hehehe
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Approaching test times :(
Yes.. its that time of the year again when suddenly all the tests start piling up on u ! Argh..... i have mid years in like 2 weeks +, anatomy next week and the usual 2 computer tests !!! How is it everything seems to pile on when u r busy but when u r free it just seems to free? Anyway due to my kinda lack of motivation to study n constant procrastination, I found this verse pretty inspiring :
:) hehe I know its a bit out of context since Paul was talking more about running the spiritual race but hey? It's like what i'm doing as well, i really need to get some focus and "beat my body and make it my slave" so that i won't be so lazy --- practice more self control n all :p It's kinda like saying u got to take control, get your act together and focus on what ur doing! So yeah ! Ganbatte!!
"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after i have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize." 1 Corinthians 9:26-27
:) hehe I know its a bit out of context since Paul was talking more about running the spiritual race but hey? It's like what i'm doing as well, i really need to get some focus and "beat my body and make it my slave" so that i won't be so lazy --- practice more self control n all :p It's kinda like saying u got to take control, get your act together and focus on what ur doing! So yeah ! Ganbatte!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
8am lecture ...zZZZZ
Hello again... ! Today was ok .. had an 8 o'clock lecture today O.o It was sooooo early.. when i woke up.. it was still pitch black outside which was kinda freaky and made me wanna stay in bed all the more.. :p... but managed to drag myself out (being the "good" student) n left the flat just in time to catch some lovely pink and red streaks across the horizon.. pity i wasn't around to see the sunrise...
Today was mainly about schizophrenia, had a break from 10am - 2pm.. though.. u would think that they would swap the 8am lectures for a bit later.. instead of having such a big gap.. sigh.. but thats the problem with streaming.....Managed to discover for some odd reason our phone can't call 0900 numbers hehe -- yes i know its a pretty useless bit of info unless u wanna call 0900...
We had out last lecture about appetative behaviours which were basically sexual behaviours n eating..... discovered the term "diet-induced obesity" hehe..coz it seems in US like a lot of kids have started dieting since around 9-10 years old n apparently most obese ppl have had some run in with dieting be4 .. put 2 and 2 together... obesity occurs due to the dieting as ppl tend to fluctuate from losing weight then gaining heaps back n losing again.. In the end the more u diet the better the body adapts at storing energy and therefore it stores more when u eat n thus u get fatter n fatter eventhough u eat less or the same amount --- interesting theory aye? hehe makes me think twice before considering dieting :p
Today was mainly about schizophrenia, had a break from 10am - 2pm.. though.. u would think that they would swap the 8am lectures for a bit later.. instead of having such a big gap.. sigh.. but thats the problem with streaming.....Managed to discover for some odd reason our phone can't call 0900 numbers hehe -- yes i know its a pretty useless bit of info unless u wanna call 0900...
We had out last lecture about appetative behaviours which were basically sexual behaviours n eating..... discovered the term "diet-induced obesity" hehe..coz it seems in US like a lot of kids have started dieting since around 9-10 years old n apparently most obese ppl have had some run in with dieting be4 .. put 2 and 2 together... obesity occurs due to the dieting as ppl tend to fluctuate from losing weight then gaining heaps back n losing again.. In the end the more u diet the better the body adapts at storing energy and therefore it stores more when u eat n thus u get fatter n fatter eventhough u eat less or the same amount --- interesting theory aye? hehe makes me think twice before considering dieting :p
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005
"Eye" Day!
Yay ! its finally friday .. its the real thing too! Today had a bit of a late start at 11am.. but u know what? i kinda misread the timetable or sthg and assumed that i started at 10am and so woke up at 9+ and actually got all ready n walked like 20 steps from my flat be4 realising that something wasn't right n i actually checked my timetable... only to realise that i was 1 hour early >.< so decided to just go back :p --- mind u it was pretty cold and all so my flat seemed like a nice warm place.. since i was only a few seconds away :)
Had mainly an "eye" day..had like workshop on vision.. n was looking at bits of anatomy n blindness n looking inside an eye n stuff like that... One really funny slide our lecturer showed us was an eye of a person who had had eye surgery to replace the lens .. n the thing was u could see hte lens when u looked at the eye coz it had been mistakenly placed on the outside of the iris instead of behind it! So the person just wouldn't be able to see anything.. it was really funny sort off :P can't imagine wat the surgeon was thinking ... hehe.. When i think of it eye surgery is pretty delicate n quite scary since u gotta cut all properly n the eye is only that big ! mmmm donno how the surgeons can make all those neat little incisions to like cut out the cornea lift it up n take out the lens inside n then sew it back up again! its just miniscule!
After dinner watched part of Pacifier with my flatmates was kinda fun.. but had to leave half way coz of a meeting :'( which i arrived on time ! but only started like wat 1/2 - 3/4 of an hour late!!! Argghhhhhh Malaysian timing..
Anyway as always hoping for a relaxing weekend .. that doesn't pass by too fast so that i can actually know it happened and enjoy the rest coz my days are not getting any freer --- the downsides of med school.... ( as i'm sure Ruth is very much aware of :p)
Had mainly an "eye" day..had like workshop on vision.. n was looking at bits of anatomy n blindness n looking inside an eye n stuff like that... One really funny slide our lecturer showed us was an eye of a person who had had eye surgery to replace the lens .. n the thing was u could see hte lens when u looked at the eye coz it had been mistakenly placed on the outside of the iris instead of behind it! So the person just wouldn't be able to see anything.. it was really funny sort off :P can't imagine wat the surgeon was thinking ... hehe.. When i think of it eye surgery is pretty delicate n quite scary since u gotta cut all properly n the eye is only that big ! mmmm donno how the surgeons can make all those neat little incisions to like cut out the cornea lift it up n take out the lens inside n then sew it back up again! its just miniscule!
After dinner watched part of Pacifier with my flatmates was kinda fun.. but had to leave half way coz of a meeting :'( which i arrived on time ! but only started like wat 1/2 - 3/4 of an hour late!!! Argghhhhhh Malaysian timing..
Anyway as always hoping for a relaxing weekend .. that doesn't pass by too fast so that i can actually know it happened and enjoy the rest coz my days are not getting any freer --- the downsides of med school.... ( as i'm sure Ruth is very much aware of :p)
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Feels like FrIdAy already...
Ahh... it really feels like friday sad to say its just a trick my mind is playing on me and its actually thursday :p Today had a really early 9am lecture on pharmacology.. have to say that my brain was a bit dead n it didn't help to be sitting near the front of the class argh.... wats with all the streptokinase, tPA, clopidogrel and neuroprotective factors.. n wat not... i can't really remember how everything works anymore... O.o
After that had a visit to Leslie Groves up at Wakari. Quite nice i'd say.. i liked it better then the last time we went there :) Mainly just meeting some patients and talking and doing a full cranial nerve examination .. ehhe.. Afternoon had a system's integration case.. which involved some aspiring med 3 student walking around with a flashlight meeting some hypoglycaemic person or sthg.. n yeah..doing a check on pupillary dilation reflexes! hehe.. .. wonder how many ppl carry a flashlight around...
The day was ok i guess just wished that today was friday though.. i think i start a bit later tomolo hehe.. so can get a bit more sleep mmmm......
After that had a visit to Leslie Groves up at Wakari. Quite nice i'd say.. i liked it better then the last time we went there :) Mainly just meeting some patients and talking and doing a full cranial nerve examination .. ehhe.. Afternoon had a system's integration case.. which involved some aspiring med 3 student walking around with a flashlight meeting some hypoglycaemic person or sthg.. n yeah..doing a check on pupillary dilation reflexes! hehe.. .. wonder how many ppl carry a flashlight around...
The day was ok i guess just wished that today was friday though.. i think i start a bit later tomolo hehe.. so can get a bit more sleep mmmm......
haven't been updating for a pretty long time n i know it.. i guesss sometimes just can't be bothered to log in and also the bad weather is really impinging on my internet!! It just goes down sometimes its just so annoying having to restart n do this n that arghhhh.... plus its been freezing cold..the flat is like a fridge.... but prob still warmer than outside .. :p n my room is my refuge.. mmmmm
haven't been studying much lately n just realized that i have an anatomy spot test in like 2 weeks n mid years in like 1mth... :-S ... i donno how i'm gonna survive.. esp with all the little computer tests laced in between....... mmmmmm... i really need to get serious about studying... and B&B 5 test this week looks real tough...
Oh well... things life just doesn't get any easier....
haven't been updating for a pretty long time n i know it.. i guesss sometimes just can't be bothered to log in and also the bad weather is really impinging on my internet!! It just goes down sometimes its just so annoying having to restart n do this n that arghhhh.... plus its been freezing cold..the flat is like a fridge.... but prob still warmer than outside .. :p n my room is my refuge.. mmmmm
haven't been studying much lately n just realized that i have an anatomy spot test in like 2 weeks n mid years in like 1mth... :-S ... i donno how i'm gonna survive.. esp with all the little computer tests laced in between....... mmmmmm... i really need to get serious about studying... and B&B 5 test this week looks real tough...
Oh well... things life just doesn't get any easier....
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Poor mousey....
You know what? My mouse has died... it was working ok at first n then the red light started to blink.. and then it alternated between working and not working.. finally after a couple of days of tweaking it finally coughed, sputtered and gave up its ghost !!! NOOOoooo.... ---- By the way this is my USB computer mouse :'(
I hate not having a mouse around....
I hate not having a mouse around....
Friday, May 13, 2005
Hmmm ... the day has been ok .. quite free.. ended up with like only 2 hours of lectures :p.. but all at really odd times like 11-12pm and 2-3pm... so yeah.. hehe..... can't say much for my weekend.... but the week has been reasonably good and i'm getting a pre-weekend bout of laziness.. my anime collection is nicely expanding :p.. Currently going for DNAngel and Tactics :) hehe... have some Mai Hime, AIR and Final Approach too.. although the thing is i haven't really watched most of them.. hehe they're just accumulating themselves :p...
oh well.. hope to have a good weekend and to keep more in focus lor.. with studies and with God too. And good weather would be a nice change :)
oh well.. hope to have a good weekend and to keep more in focus lor.. with studies and with God too. And good weather would be a nice change :)
"It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man." Psalm 118:8
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Sometimes i wonder what it means to be alone? Sometimes you just stand in a crowded room n everyone rushes past.. the world is spinning with colours and activity and yet you are not moving. You are alive, you're breathing and yet you feel detached. In this world full of lights n sounds it is like a bystander taking a peek through a glass window , to the other side. You are so close yet so far- separated by an unseen barrier. It is like the air that you cannot see but you feel it and you know its there because your very existence is proof of that. But the loneliness is hampering... the buzz of life is muted and distorted into a big blur as it just whizzes past. Time does not wait for you. If you fall in this big bad world, you pick yourself up. If you do not u are left behind in the mad rush to go forward--- forward where? no one knows... even if the future is a big unknown we still rush blindly into it hoping for something better because it just can't get any worse, or can it? Maybe somehwere we condition ourselves to the world. To just accept and adapt as best as we can. Like how Pavlov conditioned his dogs to consider painful stimuli as pleasure. Its just a matter of conditioning... and practice..... conforming or maybe adaptation sounds much better?
It's like survival of the fittest. You never knew how dark and lonely it was out there until you stepped out of the comforting reccesses of your home. And yet is anyone ever truly alone? Because there will always be someone waiting for you, even if you do not know it, family, friends... I think thats where God comes in too... Because somewhere I remember He promises "..And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."(Matthew 28:20) Also "Come near to God and he will come near to you." (James 4:8) Thus i can infer that He is there for us always but in order to get comfort we need to draw near to Him too. Its a 2-way thing... loneliness maybe is just a state of mind...coz how can a person be truly lonely unless they choose to isolate themselves? .... and maybe i think too much................ ---- can't help it if i like complicating the little things of life :p
It's like survival of the fittest. You never knew how dark and lonely it was out there until you stepped out of the comforting reccesses of your home. And yet is anyone ever truly alone? Because there will always be someone waiting for you, even if you do not know it, family, friends... I think thats where God comes in too... Because somewhere I remember He promises "..And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."(Matthew 28:20) Also "Come near to God and he will come near to you." (James 4:8) Thus i can infer that He is there for us always but in order to get comfort we need to draw near to Him too. Its a 2-way thing... loneliness maybe is just a state of mind...coz how can a person be truly lonely unless they choose to isolate themselves? .... and maybe i think too much................ ---- can't help it if i like complicating the little things of life :p
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Soooo tired....
Yay! I'm updating again..... (i'm surprised too :p ) probably coz i'm feeling quite perky now since i managed to do my computer test n pass it ..coz i was kinda busy last night..had a flatmates VERY "belated" birthday --- as in like 3 mths late? hehe... and man it was so funny.. like she kept saying "I'm confused!" coz some of her friends sneaked into our flat n all n were trying to play a little trick on her. Ahh.. i have some pics too..hmmm.. where should i put them?
Hehe... anyway i think i'm pretty exhausted.. but happily exhausted :p.. hehe... coz i had to study for the test last night.. n ended sleeping real late..coz i realised at like 12am or sthg that i hadn't finished studying!!.. i tend to get distracted easily -_- hai hai... such a bad habit...
To top it up, today was a pretty long n boring day too. For one things its 9am-4pm. ... n the computer test is at 4.15pm... We had a patient talk to us about suicide which i found really really touching. Its amazing how common suicide is in NZ apparently like youth suicide is among the highest in the world!!! Why that is so is not really known.. but it has been attributed to like social isolation(NZ is quite rural :p), lack of support, the lattitude? ( winter blues ~~) n i wonder if maybe just sheer boredom from a lack of nothing better to do .. hehe... And one very interesting point was that sometimes people don't really wanna die.. its just that at that point in time they just lost all reasonable thought. So I guess this suggests like depression or some psychiatric disorder. And its just the times when people just briefly get to drowned in their grief n depression that they don't care about anything else -- family, consequences etc. And also men have higher rates of "successful" suicides then women... n they are also incidents of parasuicide where the person doesn't really wanna die but just wants to attract attention or ask for help... like swallowing 30 paracetamol n then calling someone up...Bizarre in a way though i think..coz its a pretty high risk way to get attention n wat if something backfires? hmmmm.. But i guess it was very enlightening n though i don't really like the idea i guess sometimes people just aren't in a proper state of mind when they do it.. so its unlikely that a proper rational person would do it. I guess the human mind is just tooo complicated :p
Hehe... anyway i think i'm pretty exhausted.. but happily exhausted :p.. hehe... coz i had to study for the test last night.. n ended sleeping real late..coz i realised at like 12am or sthg that i hadn't finished studying!!.. i tend to get distracted easily -_- hai hai... such a bad habit...
To top it up, today was a pretty long n boring day too. For one things its 9am-4pm. ... n the computer test is at 4.15pm... We had a patient talk to us about suicide which i found really really touching. Its amazing how common suicide is in NZ apparently like youth suicide is among the highest in the world!!! Why that is so is not really known.. but it has been attributed to like social isolation(NZ is quite rural :p), lack of support, the lattitude? ( winter blues ~~) n i wonder if maybe just sheer boredom from a lack of nothing better to do .. hehe... And one very interesting point was that sometimes people don't really wanna die.. its just that at that point in time they just lost all reasonable thought. So I guess this suggests like depression or some psychiatric disorder. And its just the times when people just briefly get to drowned in their grief n depression that they don't care about anything else -- family, consequences etc. And also men have higher rates of "successful" suicides then women... n they are also incidents of parasuicide where the person doesn't really wanna die but just wants to attract attention or ask for help... like swallowing 30 paracetamol n then calling someone up...Bizarre in a way though i think..coz its a pretty high risk way to get attention n wat if something backfires? hmmmm.. But i guess it was very enlightening n though i don't really like the idea i guess sometimes people just aren't in a proper state of mind when they do it.. so its unlikely that a proper rational person would do it. I guess the human mind is just tooo complicated :p
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Early week...
Ok .. just a quick lunch time-y type drop in.. hehe just wanted to check out hte blog n lo n behold there are msges ! :p. hehe... thanx angela... Had a pretty free day today... only one lecture at 9am... n guess wat it was.... abt... --- normal sexual function -_- I don't feel so good after listening to some pretty dodgy stuff.. ( to me anyway..) so early in the morning... i think my brain was like going eek!! --let's not go into details now.... :p
Other than that its ok .. the weather is looking up! hehe... n also did i mention that i tried some Lindt chocs the other day? they were on sale at COuntdown.. I have to say they were fabulous.. totally sooooo yummmy!! Lindt is the best !! Although it was pretty expensive lor.. even if it was on sale :p...
anyway... better get a move one... not a good thing to spend my day staring at the computer screen... ciao!
Other than that its ok .. the weather is looking up! hehe... n also did i mention that i tried some Lindt chocs the other day? they were on sale at COuntdown.. I have to say they were fabulous.. totally sooooo yummmy!! Lindt is the best !! Although it was pretty expensive lor.. even if it was on sale :p...
anyway... better get a move one... not a good thing to spend my day staring at the computer screen... ciao!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Happy Mother's Day!
Today's mother's day! hehe .. not that i have much to say about that hmmm.... coz my mum's not here :( But i hope she has a great Mother's day anyway. Today is the start of a new week..... --- its really amazing how my weekend disppeared in the flash of an eye!! :'( I made pancakes on Saturday morning for lunch/breakfast! It was kinda fun.. n a bit unusual since having pancakes with ice cream n yogurt n fruits gives my stomach this weird cold feeling! But i've just discovered how amazingly easy they are to make!! Only like 4 ingredients.. never knew that hehe...
The weather hasn't been much good lately.. which is kinda bad.. coz i can't do my laundry... don't wanna move out of my nice room :p... n no way am i gonna open the windows ...!! Although as with the onset of cold weather my window does its usual fogging up --- drip drip!.... So annoying...i can't put anything next to the window now coz it just gets soaked .. esp paper ;) n i think it promotes some moldy stuff too... hehe.....wat can i say winter is coming -- blame it on the season and hope for many more sunny days to come...
The weather hasn't been much good lately.. which is kinda bad.. coz i can't do my laundry... don't wanna move out of my nice room :p... n no way am i gonna open the windows ...!! Although as with the onset of cold weather my window does its usual fogging up --- drip drip!.... So annoying...i can't put anything next to the window now coz it just gets soaked .. esp paper ;) n i think it promotes some moldy stuff too... hehe.....wat can i say winter is coming -- blame it on the season and hope for many more sunny days to come...
Monday, May 02, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Perfect balance!

HeY! We're in perfect balance! ;-) hehe just a little pic update for some pics taken during the picnic at Woodhough Gardens ( is that how u spell it? :p) Links on the side -- Gallery 2.... Gonna be starting school tomolo !!! :( there goes my 2 week holidays.... although it was heaps of fun . .. n just to relax n get myself sorted out ...

Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Camp + ice skating update!
I'm back! We went to Waihola camp on Friday n got back on Sunday!!..Had a few days to recuperate .. :p.... It was great !! Heaps of yummy msian food n fun n games.... plus great speakers... giving me some food for thought... :P...Mainly just updating here to say that i have put the pics from camp onto photobucket.. (just click title for link) password is the same abc ... n also we went ice skating today!!! I couldn't really skate much >.< ... but it was still fun... just trying real hard to skate forwards not backwards n keeping my balance at the same time... :) Have to say that i was stuck to the side 90% of the time .. but hopefuly i'll be better the next time ! Pics for that are up too........
I'm back! We went to Waihola camp on Friday n got back on Sunday!!..Had a few days to recuperate .. :p.... It was great !! Heaps of yummy msian food n fun n games.... plus great speakers... giving me some food for thought... :P...Mainly just updating here to say that i have put the pics from camp onto photobucket.. (just click title for link) password is the same abc ... n also we went ice skating today!!! I couldn't really skate much >.< ... but it was still fun... just trying real hard to skate forwards not backwards n keeping my balance at the same time... :) Have to say that i was stuck to the side 90% of the time .. but hopefuly i'll be better the next time ! Pics for that are up too........
Friday, April 22, 2005
Hehe... nothing much to babble on about .. today is friday end of the week.. will be going off to camp later on so hope its gonna be good!!! Hehe the weather has been real nice n sunny so it really gets ur mood up... can't say i've been doing much just sent a letter n walked around town? :p... Probably won't be seeing me online for a while.. but hopefully there'll be heaps of pics when i get back :p.. ----- n thats one week of my holidays gone....
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Holiday.... fun... yet a tad dull!
I'm now on holiday!! hmm but most of my friends still have classes so its a tad dull i have to say... You would have thought that i would be posting more. .. but then my life is pretty uneventful.... so nothing much to say? hehehe... Well one good thing would be that i finished making my scarf!! Yay!! Its been taking me ages.. but i can't quite finish up coz i have lost a needle that i use to thread in the edges... n make hte tassels... ---- so annoying.. n i wanted to buy one but i couldn't find it at the shops.. --- out of stock!! :(
But today was good.. went out shopping in the afternoon n did a lot of wandering around with RUth!! hehe nice to get out of the cold of my flat n move around a bit.. although the weather wasn't too good.... but better to be out n moving then inside n freezing :p. ... Guess thats all for now.......
But today was good.. went out shopping in the afternoon n did a lot of wandering around with RUth!! hehe nice to get out of the cold of my flat n move around a bit.. although the weather wasn't too good.... but better to be out n moving then inside n freezing :p. ... Guess thats all for now.......
Saturday, April 16, 2005
More pictures.....
Hello another big pic update... The more recent ones are the one taken outside Otago Museum! Its really nice showing the lovely colours of autumn hehe :) n also some more pics from cindy/iris' b-day bash! :) pass = abc
Currently its the start of my 2 week mid-semester break!!! yay!!!! So glad that its finally the holidays! I guess at the moment i'm kinda having a spiritual high from the beginning of the week n i'm just riding the wave out.. Hope that it doesn't die away :) Have been facing some inner struggles n stuff still coz i guess eventhough i've decided to let God be the focus of my life there are still things that tempt me into doing stuff that i know i shouldn't be doing ....This is when i really find Psalm 119:11 particularly encouraging :
Currently its the start of my 2 week mid-semester break!!! yay!!!! So glad that its finally the holidays! I guess at the moment i'm kinda having a spiritual high from the beginning of the week n i'm just riding the wave out.. Hope that it doesn't die away :) Have been facing some inner struggles n stuff still coz i guess eventhough i've decided to let God be the focus of my life there are still things that tempt me into doing stuff that i know i shouldn't be doing ....This is when i really find Psalm 119:11 particularly encouraging :
"I have hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against you."
Keeping in mind that the Bible is our ultimate guidebook on life!
Hehe .. i guess this is a good start ! I realize that i have a pretty short attention span as it is.. if i don't concentrate i can sometimes find myself drifting off when someone is talking.. i find myself doing that sometimes in lectures and stuff... So i guess in order to accomplish something i need to keep my focus right and hopefully I will not fall back over time..
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Good week so far :)
This week has been quite good to me so far! Noting too stressful... reasonably comfortable work load the prospect of midterm break is really encouraging! Also i guess feeling all positive coz i managed to sort some stuff that i've been worrying about for quite a long time with God! It makes me feel kinda "free-er" sort of, as if a burden has been lifted of me !And I wonder why didn't i do this earlier ? hmmmmmm....... I guess this is from casting my burdens into God's hands and instead of trying to do everything by myself (as if i can anyway... ) its just so much easier to depend on God n know that He will never let you down !
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Hehe seems that maybe i'm a bit overboard with this "happy happy" thing but isn't it good to be happy? ;)
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6
Hehe seems that maybe i'm a bit overboard with this "happy happy" thing but isn't it good to be happy? ;)
Sunday, April 10, 2005
The sun shines oh so bright
The blue of the sky ever so light,
It all seems much clearer,
Or has my eyesight gotten sharper?
Somewhere something has changed,
Deep inside a barrier is shattered,
The shards of glass glint and reflect,
The wonder of this day so perfect,
For the dark has come to light,
And the tears shed are not of sorrow.
The blue of the sky ever so light,
It all seems much clearer,
Or has my eyesight gotten sharper?
Somewhere something has changed,
Deep inside a barrier is shattered,
The shards of glass glint and reflect,
The wonder of this day so perfect,
For the dark has come to light,
And the tears shed are not of sorrow.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Dreary day...
Hello! Today's saturday, the start of my lovely weekend. Unfortunately the weather doesnt seem too good ... hmmm but thats ok :p haven't been doing much today.. just some vacuuming (probably woke my flat up :P) marketing grocery shopping.. n yeah relaxing my afternoon away. Couldn;t really be bothered to move out of the flat coz its really so gloomy outside... grey sky .. heaps of clouds.. the occasional seagull... but i'm thankful that its not too cold in here.. .. seems so quiet n deserted for some reason... (where is everyone hiding? )
MMmmm thats getting me all depressed now.. (talk about the weather reflecting ur mood) The week has been good.. not too hectic fairly relaxed, slow paced with quite a lot of time to catch my breath in between. And heaps of birthdays n stuff around here n there.. seems like hte time to party!Goodness me i'm rambling!!!!
but since i haven't written for a while .. i'll just take this time to practice my decaying literary skills hehe.. Had quite a few patients in to our lectures on Friday. It was actually pretty interesting seeing patients with motor problems n speech problems resulting from damage to parts of the brain, cerebellum, spinal cord.. hehe just tells us how complex this mush of sphagetti in the brain really is! Well i guess just hopign for a fairly relaxed weekend to rest up n do some catch up work since i'm quite behind in some tests n stuff...
MMmmm thats getting me all depressed now.. (talk about the weather reflecting ur mood) The week has been good.. not too hectic fairly relaxed, slow paced with quite a lot of time to catch my breath in between. And heaps of birthdays n stuff around here n there.. seems like hte time to party!Goodness me i'm rambling!!!!
but since i haven't written for a while .. i'll just take this time to practice my decaying literary skills hehe.. Had quite a few patients in to our lectures on Friday. It was actually pretty interesting seeing patients with motor problems n speech problems resulting from damage to parts of the brain, cerebellum, spinal cord.. hehe just tells us how complex this mush of sphagetti in the brain really is! Well i guess just hopign for a fairly relaxed weekend to rest up n do some catch up work since i'm quite behind in some tests n stuff...
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Real Post
Hehe ok , a real post at last :p.. n also to note that i have put up pics from our easter sunday potluck + some pics taken at uni n botanical gardens.. hope its accessible..
So yeah, about my day.. hehe quite a busy day 9-5pm but i manged to do one computer test SI6 n passed!! Yay !! ( hehe i just had to boast ) I think yesterday being a total day off due to cancelled stuff just made me so refreshed n less sleepy then usual hehe ! but off to a more busy time of the week now so better brace myself! Anyway hoping for a good week n more opportunities to spend more time with God... (since i've been really slacking off due to the bussy-ness) ciao~~
So yeah, about my day.. hehe quite a busy day 9-5pm but i manged to do one computer test SI6 n passed!! Yay !! ( hehe i just had to boast ) I think yesterday being a total day off due to cancelled stuff just made me so refreshed n less sleepy then usual hehe ! but off to a more busy time of the week now so better brace myself! Anyway hoping for a good week n more opportunities to spend more time with God... (since i've been really slacking off due to the bussy-ness) ciao~~
Monday, April 04, 2005
Pic - finally !
hello ! just gonna do a quite picture update!
pass= abc and another note.. click on 1.Easter tramp to see pics coz they are in the folder...
this is a new photobucket album ! n its only got pics from the easter tramp coz i had so much trouble uploading the pics.. i will try to put the others up asap!
Anway, the weather today was really weird! One moment i woke up all warm n happy thanking God for the great sun! n a few hours later its raining like crazy? -_-''' hehe but still thank GOd for the rain too :p I didn't have much today which was a good thing especially after Iris' n Cindy's b-day celebration last night ! (crowd cheers) hehe .... watch out for more pics ;)
pass= abc and another note.. click on 1.Easter tramp to see pics coz they are in the folder...
this is a new photobucket album ! n its only got pics from the easter tramp coz i had so much trouble uploading the pics.. i will try to put the others up asap!
Anway, the weather today was really weird! One moment i woke up all warm n happy thanking God for the great sun! n a few hours later its raining like crazy? -_-''' hehe but still thank GOd for the rain too :p I didn't have much today which was a good thing especially after Iris' n Cindy's b-day celebration last night ! (crowd cheers) hehe .... watch out for more pics ;)
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Hehe... hello i'm back again.. after a long long time.. :p.. yes.. i'm so sorry.. i just got my internet connected at my flat finally on 31/3 !! Yay!! n yeah have been kinda busy with 8'o clock lectures!! thurs friday.. argh.. so tiring.. n yeah today is officially Cindy's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday! n tomolo is Iris'!!hehe... anyway u may have noticed that my title is sequel.. n ur wondering why's that? hehe... well its coz if u look back u may remember the little story abt the girl rolling down the hill? Well for part 2 the girl told her friend another story about a month or so later... It was about 3 girls who went tramping up a mountain. The ground was wet n slippey n covered with mud. Suddenly the top girl slipped n fell, crashing into the girl below her who in turn fell onto the 3rd girl. All ending up in a heap at the bottom of the hill. Her friend was wide-eyed with amazement and enquiring on how much it hurt. The girl had been laughing from the beginning to the end of the story was astounded. At the end, a confession was in line..... Doesn't that make it 3 times in a row? Its amazing how innocently naive the girl's friend was. Well lets keep our fingers crossed as we await part 3 of the story .. if it is to occur again :p
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Passing time like falling leaves...... another day has past...
Another day is coming to an end.. can't say that there is much although today i only had around 2 lectures! yay!! but ended up running around doing some immigration stuff n uni stuff.. oh well... at least can get another 1/2 hour or so of extra sleep! :) Better enjoy my free days while i still have them.. tomolo is not gonna be as free.. thats for sure..:p I guess just take each day as it comes and always keep looking forward to a bright future! :) (~~~I think i'm in a good mood esp with so much rest n not much work :P - all play n less work makes me a happy person !)
Monday, February 28, 2005
Back to skool....
Hehe... back in Dunedin, can't say i'm too pleased to be back but i guess since everything is starting to get settled it's not too bad :p.. busy as usual.. (comes with the course :p) Bad weather as well, today esp. rain-sun-rain-sun... arghh....... sooo annoying.. typical 4 seasons in one day..Where did all the warm days of summer go?
Nothing much going on now except that a major setback would be that we have no internet n no tv... :( so yeah.. i'm stuck trudging dedicatedly to the library most of the time when i'm free.. sigh.. but i guess checking email n keeping up to date is a neccesity hehehe... oh well just thought i'd write something to keep this little blog alive ! even if its just all mindless crap n ramblings :)
Nothing much going on now except that a major setback would be that we have no internet n no tv... :( so yeah.. i'm stuck trudging dedicatedly to the library most of the time when i'm free.. sigh.. but i guess checking email n keeping up to date is a neccesity hehehe... oh well just thought i'd write something to keep this little blog alive ! even if its just all mindless crap n ramblings :)
Saturday, February 26, 2005
The girl n the hill....
Once upon a time, there was a girl who told her friend about two girls walking down a hill. One of the girls pushed the other girl and she went rolling down the hill until she reached the bottom. Everyone had a good laugh n all was fine. The next year, the friend asked the girl which hill was it that the girl was pushed down? The friend looked at her oddly and said "Can a person actually roll down a hill? If I were to push someone down they would go splat n not roll down." The friend thought about it n agreed. "She would have to be a ball to roll down the hill afterall", she said. --------
So then? wat was the moral of the story? Hehe... don't believe ur friend when she tries to fool u the first time with a farfetched tale. And if u really believe her n the joke is out.. don't be tricked again the next year :p For those who know .. well let it be our secret.. for those who don't know.. read it a few more times n figure it out :p esp considering "can a person actually roll down a hill?"
Anyway this is my first updates since coming back to good ol' dunny..!! its really warm suprisingly although i have been very busy n i don't have an internet connection yet so it is a bit of a bother to always use uni facilities.. anyway i have a photo update from the steamboat we had at Alastair's place!!Yay!!!:) pass = abc
So then? wat was the moral of the story? Hehe... don't believe ur friend when she tries to fool u the first time with a farfetched tale. And if u really believe her n the joke is out.. don't be tricked again the next year :p For those who know .. well let it be our secret.. for those who don't know.. read it a few more times n figure it out :p esp considering "can a person actually roll down a hill?"
Anyway this is my first updates since coming back to good ol' dunny..!! its really warm suprisingly although i have been very busy n i don't have an internet connection yet so it is a bit of a bother to always use uni facilities.. anyway i have a photo update from the steamboat we had at Alastair's place!!Yay!!!:) pass = abc
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