Hey! I'm back from ski trip... n i'm still in one piece.. no broken bones anywhere :p ... it was really good.. hehe we took like learner's package at Mount Hutt somehwhere near Christchurch... we rented like skii boots n the skiis plus poles..... the boots are real hard to walk in hehe.... feels like lead weights !!... its like traffic jam at the stairs coz everyone takes so long to like carry their gear n walk up n down the stairs..(up is easier than down though ;p) we started learning from the basics.. the learner's slopes were ok .. but once we got to the more steeper slopes.. thats when i started falling more!.. fell once on learner slope.. nearly slid of a cliff!!! n fell 2x on learner's lifts... i think abt 4-5x on T-bars (another type of lift) n 3-4x on slightly steeper slopes n on the real steep slopes.. just coming down once..i fell like 4x? ... it was basicly.. skiing,... turn... then fall.... skiing turn fall.... !!... it was so steep that getting up was soooo scary... it felt like i would fall off any moment its even more troublesome if ur skis kinda fell off n u gotta like reattach them to ur boots! ... and also gotta take care of ur ski poles!!.... Man I am soooo tired n sore today.. every muscle in my body feels like its aching painful..! lucky no lecutres.. hehe... donno how i would survive.... but yeah... anyway above is a pic oof us at the skifields lor.. more pics coming up once i take the effort to like resize everything ok !!....

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