Hi everyone! hehe .. i was just told how slack i had been on updating my blog ! n i guess thats true! hehe just became real lazy over the hols! but anyway i just put up some more recent pics on photobucket so do check it out!! hehe its just some stuff from a steamboat/BBQ thingy we had recently
Oh an MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!! hope u all had a great time! i did !! had heaps of time to hang out with friends n also family.... n loads of shopping :p... but of course not till we forget the real reason behind Christmas! The birth of baby Jesus! Our church had heaps of stuff planned... like i went to the Christmas cantata ( very nice singing !) n christmas service .. n church service again on sunday !!! hehe really feels like i had 2 Sunday's in a row!! :p
so yeah.. not gonna blabber too much .. just go check out the pics! :) http://photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/ pass = abc
When did the dream end and reality set in... Flitting illusions and wisps of a forgotten trail... Stop living in the dream, start fighting in the real world... For when the dream ends, my heart is shattered in its onslaught... How cruel are my dreams.
Monday, December 27, 2004
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Home ~sweet~ home...
Hi ! I'm back in Sibu!! hehe... its really great to be home ... but the weather is really really really HOT!!! phew........ i don't even wanna take a step outside in the afternoons!! hehe.. but its still great !! hehe.. anyway... i put up some of the new pics that i took on photobucket so u guys can go take a look!...
http://photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/ and the password is abc as usual.. :p..
Its just some stuff from the waterfall n the birthday dinner at Goldengate and also Jess , Martin, Gina's b-day thingy at Nova hehe..... i think.. i kinda missed out some pics coz this is not my comp.. n i had to do like all this transfer stuff so i'm sorry if i missed stuff out.. also u probably won't be seeing me online as much as the computer is currently hogged by three very avid gamers (aka my bros' n sis.... -_-) hehe anyway.....thats abt it hope everyone has a great summer!
http://photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/ and the password is abc as usual.. :p..
Its just some stuff from the waterfall n the birthday dinner at Goldengate and also Jess , Martin, Gina's b-day thingy at Nova hehe..... i think.. i kinda missed out some pics coz this is not my comp.. n i had to do like all this transfer stuff so i'm sorry if i missed stuff out.. also u probably won't be seeing me online as much as the computer is currently hogged by three very avid gamers (aka my bros' n sis.... -_-) hehe anyway.....thats abt it hope everyone has a great summer!
Saturday, October 23, 2004
Peace...for the exam-stressed
"I am leaving you with a gift - peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give isn't fragile like the peace the world gives. So don't be troubled or afraid. "
John 14:27
Exam blues - issues of time management...

Hello.... just gonna make this fairly quick.. :p.. I have not been able to update my blog for an age.. it seems i keep getting stuck in the loading process somehow ... so soooorry... for not being around.. and here's a pic from Jonathan's farewell BBQ hehe ..... it was great n prob gonna load some more pics up onto photobucket http://photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/ password "abc" as usual...
Also this is really starting to be a very busy time for me... exams are around the corner... argh!! sooo scary.. esp since i have like one years stuff to cover .. all in this final exams... been fairly sleepy lately.. i remember dozing off while figuring out which nerve innervates which part of your forearm.. median nerve, ulnar nerve... ?? n what actually happens due to nerve damage? hehe.. well hopefully i'll know better after this :p Time mangement issues? basicly study more.... n less of all the other "useless" stuff.. (like updating my blog :p)
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Sleepy day...
hello.. its saturday!!.. hehe had a late night yesterday coz we celebrated Sze's 21st!! hehe.. although technically we're like a week plus early.. :p.. but then.. coz its so close to exams so we kinda made it earlier... it was heaps of fun :p.. n got to take heaps of video clips.. hehe....
yeah.. other than that been quite slack today.. other than going to market ... i think maybe i slept too much? n somehow i've seemed to have developed an annoying sore throat!! argh!!!... i don't like it one bit...
anyway.. just hoping for a nice peaceful restful weekend n hten back to study study.. :p
yeah.. other than that been quite slack today.. other than going to market ... i think maybe i slept too much? n somehow i've seemed to have developed an annoying sore throat!! argh!!!... i don't like it one bit...
anyway.. just hoping for a nice peaceful restful weekend n hten back to study study.. :p
Monday, October 04, 2004
A new week.. has come......
Weekend was great .. :p.. hehe homegroup had great games on saturday night.. i especially like the trusting one... hehe where like u kinda like just fall down ( well like lean backwards with ur legs straight?)... n u gotta trust ur frenz to catch u .... pretty scary experience.. :p.. felt sorry for those ppl catching though....since i'm so heavy haha!.. :p..
Anyway.. a new week has started.... :(.. which kinda means one week closer to exams.. but then.. one week closer to freedom :) - gives me mixed feelings....hehe.. but i guess just try my best.. hopefully i'll pass the exams!!.. then can't wait to get back home!!!!!! mmmmm.... missing all the people back home.... n the yummy food....... hehe.. ok STOP.... gotta get back to the current reality.... ...
Anyway.. a new week has started.... :(.. which kinda means one week closer to exams.. but then.. one week closer to freedom :) - gives me mixed feelings....hehe.. but i guess just try my best.. hopefully i'll pass the exams!!.. then can't wait to get back home!!!!!! mmmmm.... missing all the people back home.... n the yummy food....... hehe.. ok STOP.... gotta get back to the current reality.... ...
Saturday, October 02, 2004
Hello! I am back :p
hehe.. i think its been a long time since i last wrote... :p maybe 2 weeks? well.. i guess things just turned out busier than expected n didn't take any more silly pics to put up.. hehe... so yeah... my week has been good i guess.. with the work piling up towards Friday!!!... always.... so annoying.. n also had some pre - exam freaking out ... hehe.. its like think of exams in one month.. think of wat u have to study.. add the two up = stress...!!!!!....
Oh well i guess nothing other than to just keep pushing on n yeah just pray n hope for the best ... also its daylight savings this weekend so will be losing one hour of my precious time!!!....and although theoretically its spring... but the weather has gone all bizarre? like today i went out dressed lightly coz it was so nice n sunny...but then it was actually pretty chilly coz of the COLD winds... n coming back it just started raining? .. n the rained stopped like after i got back... n then it was sunny again...???talk about many seasons in a day... hehe
anyway hope that i can wake up tomorrow lor.. coz i'm off to the market.. hehe for my weekly food supply!!... hehe
Oh well i guess nothing other than to just keep pushing on n yeah just pray n hope for the best ... also its daylight savings this weekend so will be losing one hour of my precious time!!!....and although theoretically its spring... but the weather has gone all bizarre? like today i went out dressed lightly coz it was so nice n sunny...but then it was actually pretty chilly coz of the COLD winds... n coming back it just started raining? .. n the rained stopped like after i got back... n then it was sunny again...???talk about many seasons in a day... hehe
anyway hope that i can wake up tomorrow lor.. coz i'm off to the market.. hehe for my weekly food supply!!... hehe
Sunday, September 19, 2004
Wanna see more?
Hehe ok.. so were u tempted by the sneak peeks? hehe.. wanna see the rest of hte pics? hehe.... well... if u ask me nicely ........tempt me with food.. maybe i'll show u? hehe ...... anyway! i have put them all on photobucket la.. so here's the link http://photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/
i hope it shows up coz it seems that the last time it didn't really come up on the post n the password as usual is abc.
If u guys happen to see any weird pics of ppl hugging.. don't get the wrong idea.!! its just the newspaper game!!!... ok !!... hehe.. n also if u r super nice to me i'll let u see Alastair's music video with Josh .. hehe plus some other simply hilarious clips :p ..
All in all the weekend was great lor ... .. heaps of stuff ! seems like my weekends aren't that free anymore :p.. although I need rest!!!!!!! argh... no time to sleep.. :p ok lor..
i hope it shows up coz it seems that the last time it didn't really come up on the post n the password as usual is abc.
If u guys happen to see any weird pics of ppl hugging.. don't get the wrong idea.!! its just the newspaper game!!!... ok !!... hehe.. n also if u r super nice to me i'll let u see Alastair's music video with Josh .. hehe plus some other simply hilarious clips :p ..
All in all the weekend was great lor ... .. heaps of stuff ! seems like my weekends aren't that free anymore :p.. although I need rest!!!!!!! argh... no time to sleep.. :p ok lor..
Cultural and performance nite !
Sneak peek! Friday's "games nite" .....starring members of our prayer group :p
Thursday, September 16, 2004
Long time no see ......
hehe anyway.. it seems that its not coz i didnt' post anything but the last two posts be4 this don't seem to show up.. on my blog... no idea why!!..... aiya... anyway maybe it'll come up after i post this ... or maybe this won't come up at all? hehe..... anywayz had a nice week back from hols.. it wasn't to hard on n i kinda managed to sluggishly slip back into a "somewhat study-like" schedule ... hehe...
anyway the weathers been absolutely brillliant!! all spring now.. sun and daffodils... !...so yeah its been great :p... n the prayer group thingy we had in the hols was also a good start....i supposed just provides hte kinda good encrouaging environment to study God's Word.. better and all that !
ok ciao then.. ;p
anyway the weathers been absolutely brillliant!! all spring now.. sun and daffodils... !...so yeah its been great :p... n the prayer group thingy we had in the hols was also a good start....i supposed just provides hte kinda good encrouaging environment to study God's Word.. better and all that !
ok ciao then.. ;p
Wednesday, September 08, 2004

this one is just a pic of us having desert at some place in Methven... which is near Mt. Hutt... I've also managed to put the pics up on photobucket..as usual this is the url
n the password is : abc (its amazing how some ppl still come and tell me that cannot get... in... ****sigh... pls read the whole msg...)

hello! me here again.. with another pic from the ski fields... :p.. finally got to resizing all the stuff... (so many pics !! wiping sweat of brow""") can see the lifts in the background...those are used for ppl to get to the top of the mountain to ski down.. but unfortunately not for us la... still beginners hor.. n even the mid - level cliffs are scary enough!!!

Monday, September 06, 2004

Hey! I'm back from ski trip... n i'm still in one piece.. no broken bones anywhere :p ... it was really good.. hehe we took like learner's package at Mount Hutt somehwhere near Christchurch... we rented like skii boots n the skiis plus poles..... the boots are real hard to walk in hehe.... feels like lead weights !!... its like traffic jam at the stairs coz everyone takes so long to like carry their gear n walk up n down the stairs..(up is easier than down though ;p) we started learning from the basics.. the learner's slopes were ok .. but once we got to the more steeper slopes.. thats when i started falling more!.. fell once on learner slope.. nearly slid of a cliff!!! n fell 2x on learner's lifts... i think abt 4-5x on T-bars (another type of lift) n 3-4x on slightly steeper slopes n on the real steep slopes.. just coming down once..i fell like 4x? ... it was basicly.. skiing,... turn... then fall.... skiing turn fall.... !!... it was so steep that getting up was soooo scary... it felt like i would fall off any moment its even more troublesome if ur skis kinda fell off n u gotta like reattach them to ur boots! ... and also gotta take care of ur ski poles!!.... Man I am soooo tired n sore today.. every muscle in my body feels like its aching painful..! lucky no lecutres.. hehe... donno how i would survive.... but yeah... anyway above is a pic oof us at the skifields lor.. more pics coming up once i take the effort to like resize everything ok !!....

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Friday, August 27, 2004
La la la la ~~~~~ holidays are finally here!
Heheh... its finally the holidays.. i got a two week break starting from tomorrow n i sure am looking forward to plenty or R n R ( rest and relaxation :p)... hehe.... guess wat .. today ..there was a fire in our flat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... My flatmate was trying to cook some rice in a pot n left it for a bit too long.. so when i came back the entire kitchen/lounge was filled with smoke!!!!!!!... so scary!!!!..... but then luckily the fire alarm didn't go off.. n yeah.. we managed to kinda stop the burning.. althouhg the pot is terribly black.. n the kitchen stinks of smoke - still!....
hehe..also baked a chocolate coconut cake.. today!!! hhee.. after going to the korean church performance thingy ... got back around 9.30 pm i think? n got to eat cake at around 11pm :p.. hehe... so thats pretty bad diet i have to say.. although its the hols!!!!!!hahahha.. a time of eating n rejoicing :p
*happy* happy*twirls*twirls*la*la*la....
hehe..also baked a chocolate coconut cake.. today!!! hhee.. after going to the korean church performance thingy ... got back around 9.30 pm i think? n got to eat cake at around 11pm :p.. hehe... so thats pretty bad diet i have to say.. although its the hols!!!!!!hahahha.. a time of eating n rejoicing :p
*happy* happy*twirls*twirls*la*la*la....
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Monday, August 23, 2004
Link to ball pics..
hello.. i finished putting up photos on photobucket... for King's ball ... this is the link and the password is abc :p..... . .. tell me wat u think :)
Monday + Snow !!! - great combo?
Its monday again.. n it snowed!!! (snow! snow! - jumping, and twirling with joy!!! ) can't believe it snowed again just when it seemed to be getting just a teeny bit warmer too.. :p...hehe............ but it was a lovely sight though.. snow in the morning... i had 11am tutorial and had to brave the cold snowy winds... right in my face too! .. everytime i open my mouth i think i swallowed a snowflake :p.. it was very nice heavy snow this morning though.. but unfortunately was cooped up in a tutorial , just to glance covetously at the lovely snow outside...our tutor was late coz of the snow on the hills n stuff i supposed....(wonder if anyone got snowed in? )...but when tutorial was over.. the snow had stopped!!!!!!!!!! n most of the afternoon and all was like some odd mixture of hail + ice + rain???? ... hail sure hurts when it hits u !!!... n it kinda bounces off everywhere .....:p... sadly didn't get to take many good pics ....n have been kinda lazy to do the resizing n stuff.... heeh since i got so many pics n my hardrive is running pretty low.... too...anywayz... gotta go......( there is always work awaiting.... :-( )
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Weekend gone already!!!
hello.... can't believe it my weekend is gone.. n i don''t even know wat happened with it..... argh!.. last night went to King's Ball at Elim church ... the deco n stuff were great and it had an oriental style theme lor.. so yeah... pretty cool.. i guess.......although i don't think there was much to do.. mostly just dancing... eating? (but somehow.. the food quite quickly disappeared.. n was mostly desserts...... )... we took some pics n stuff.. so yeah i'll try to post them up sometime... hehe..
n also this morning..when coming back from church i happened to notice a gathering of trucks? hehe.. at the industrial-like area nearby... seems like some sorta event hehe.. but didn't really hang around.. to find out.. coz they were so big and scary .. :p... the weather was lovely too this morning.. but somehow.. it took a turn for hte worse n now its rainy n freezing... "brrrr...." don't wanna leave my room anytime soon :p
n also this morning..when coming back from church i happened to notice a gathering of trucks? hehe.. at the industrial-like area nearby... seems like some sorta event hehe.. but didn't really hang around.. to find out.. coz they were so big and scary .. :p... the weather was lovely too this morning.. but somehow.. it took a turn for hte worse n now its rainy n freezing... "brrrr...." don't wanna leave my room anytime soon :p
Saturday, August 21, 2004
Clinician Impossible!
Hehe.... i went to the Med Revue last night... n boy was it good!!! it's like a lot of short skits and jokes... with a sorta mainline story which is "clinician impossible" ..and u guessed it.. its like a doctor's version of mission impossible..... with a lot of dirty jokes and humour... they had like the classic scene where Ethan was lowered from the ceiling in "med cafe" to steal an "orange?" off some students table :P n also the evil villain consisting of a bunch of wacky doctors.. n a dentist... who stole the cadaver of Hippocrates.... (father or medicine) from the basement of the medical school hehe... and equally strange characters...led by a (perverted) doctor n even our lecturers were involved .... hehe.. so yeah.... its an amzing collection of talent and very funny :p... with short skits all the way through like med couple vs. normal couple...?, what house surgeons think...why med 2 students are stupid... :P... singing, dancing, rapping....n also some stuff dissing dent ppl.. hehe...I give it a big thumbs up!.. hehe......
that was fun.. tonight is kings ball :p... n at the moment... the upstairs ppl have the music turned real loud..... n i can hear... the annoying beat!!!!!!argh! even withf my windows close and all!!!!!!....... what happened to my nice, peaceful, restful weekend ? :p
that was fun.. tonight is kings ball :p... n at the moment... the upstairs ppl have the music turned real loud..... n i can hear... the annoying beat!!!!!!argh! even withf my windows close and all!!!!!!....... what happened to my nice, peaceful, restful weekend ? :p
Thursday, August 19, 2004
where did the snow go? :(
hehe... well as the title goes.. there is no more snow.......... it just all melted away after that one night of heavy downfall... .. ... and yeah its still been cold although the snow does make it cold-ER ... but then when is Dunedin ever warm? :p
somehow its thursday already n i have "survived" 2 presentations, and 2 tests... n 1 more test to go.... :p.. with another new test next week on genetics!!....argh!!... they don't know when to give us a break one.. but i'm gonna be looking forward to mid semester breaks which if my memory serves me right is gonna be end of this month? hehehehe.... ....(ah, happy thoughts!! :-) )
somehow its thursday already n i have "survived" 2 presentations, and 2 tests... n 1 more test to go.... :p.. with another new test next week on genetics!!....argh!!... they don't know when to give us a break one.. but i'm gonna be looking forward to mid semester breaks which if my memory serves me right is gonna be end of this month? hehehehe.... ....(ah, happy thoughts!! :-) )
Monday, August 16, 2004
1st snowfall of the year!!!!!!
Yay!!!!!!!!!!Groundbreaking news!!>>>>>> had our first snowfall her last night!!.. it was so cool.... there were like "snowflakes gently drifting down...landing with a lightly on the already white ground" ~~~~~ well something like that.. hehe.. although in reality the snow is really hard and icy....... I got hit on the back of the head by a snowball n it really really HURTS!!!... wait till i find the person who threw it!!!!!!!!! Hmph!!.. Anyway.. we even walked all the way to town just to catch some lovely shots of it.. it was great...
This morning the ground was covered by a lovely blanket of white snow!!... So nice..!!.... although it was awfully hard to get to lectures.. coz it is really slippery when the snow is like half melting away... n the roads are all iced up...(don't think its safe to drive... actually saw a motorcyclist fall over!)... had to leave for lectures extra early just to make sure i don't have to rush or else i'll probably end up slipping and falling over..... :p (i know ... i know... so clumsy.... )
but yeah it soon melted away to become this yucky, icky brown sludge stuff.. ...all full of footprints and muddy....not nice to be tramping about in.......but yeah.. hehe anyway i'll be posting some pics that i took up .. so do watch the spot above for updates :p
This morning the ground was covered by a lovely blanket of white snow!!... So nice..!!.... although it was awfully hard to get to lectures.. coz it is really slippery when the snow is like half melting away... n the roads are all iced up...(don't think its safe to drive... actually saw a motorcyclist fall over!)... had to leave for lectures extra early just to make sure i don't have to rush or else i'll probably end up slipping and falling over..... :p (i know ... i know... so clumsy.... )
but yeah it soon melted away to become this yucky, icky brown sludge stuff.. ...all full of footprints and muddy....not nice to be tramping about in.......but yeah.. hehe anyway i'll be posting some pics that i took up .. so do watch the spot above for updates :p
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Waaaa!!!!.... busy week up ahead!
Hehe.. as i said in the heading.. busy week.. so i'm just gonna make a like "mini post" :p.. .. next week got 3 tests and 2 presentations.... man!.. they are really trying to kill us!!... so much work.... n i really wanna just slack off n relax in weekends.. :-( ... Argh.. .such is the life of a student!....
Anywayz last week was good..n today was good.. n so yeah.. i was doing a lifestyle project relating to snacking..n i found this really interesting trend .. hehe...my snacking increases like on friday n towards end of week... :p... hehe... n then goes back down towards monday.. ...(hmm... wonder if this has something to do with accumulated workload/ stress ? hehe.. )
Anywayz last week was good..n today was good.. n so yeah.. i was doing a lifestyle project relating to snacking..n i found this really interesting trend .. hehe...my snacking increases like on friday n towards end of week... :p... hehe... n then goes back down towards monday.. ...(hmm... wonder if this has something to do with accumulated workload/ stress ? hehe.. )
Friday, August 13, 2004
Sunday, August 08, 2004
Wow... Saturday!
Hehe, time sure flies.. can't believe its like saturday already...n i haven't updated this spot for a lonnnnggg.. .... .. so sorry... !... had a busy week with genetics assignment due on friday..! didn't start early.. so kinda ended up pretty rushed n stressed.. :-(... my own fault i guess..
but well its weekend.. and tomolo is the international food fest! starts at 11am at Union hall.. ... hehe.. everyone should come n check out the yummy foods!! haha.. (i helped make a little bit... :p) So yeah.. things have been quite stressful.. with some flat problems and stuff... but i'm really glad that God does provide.. for us... n i have found some answered prayers recently! hehe.. good to know that He is there for us ..
Well i guess just taking some time out to enjoy the hols, good food and all .. ~~contented sigh**... hehe... n then of course .... back to all hte work n study!!.. .. so many things to do n so little time .. :p... thats how it always is i guess...
Well guess thats abt it then.. good nite ....
but well its weekend.. and tomolo is the international food fest! starts at 11am at Union hall.. ... hehe.. everyone should come n check out the yummy foods!! haha.. (i helped make a little bit... :p) So yeah.. things have been quite stressful.. with some flat problems and stuff... but i'm really glad that God does provide.. for us... n i have found some answered prayers recently! hehe.. good to know that He is there for us ..
Well i guess just taking some time out to enjoy the hols, good food and all .. ~~contented sigh**... hehe... n then of course .... back to all hte work n study!!.. .. so many things to do n so little time .. :p... thats how it always is i guess...
Well guess thats abt it then.. good nite ....
Thursday, July 22, 2004
Thursday = boring day
Hi again... anywayz...enough with the puddle thingy .. ( i must have been really bored?).. but its still there.. actually.... no matter how many times i dry it... !! ( wonder if i can actually plant something next to the window n not water it? :p)
Nvm.. today as i say is a boring day... why? coz today is the day.. when all my lectures revolve around aspects of communication.. n nutrition... not much real sciences... :(.. ..oh well........ Anyway... i better get going.... (coz its a boring day.. nothign much to write lor :p)... plus i have tests to study for ... :(
Nvm.. today as i say is a boring day... why? coz today is the day.. when all my lectures revolve around aspects of communication.. n nutrition... not much real sciences... :(.. ..oh well........ Anyway... i better get going.... (coz its a boring day.. nothign much to write lor :p)... plus i have tests to study for ... :(
Tuesday, July 20, 2004
Ah.. today i woke up n found a puddle next to my window (a puddle u say?)...u must be wondering what i mean by that :p.... hehe .. it was just that my room was soooooo... much warmer than outside air/outside was soo much colder? (these days prob around -2 degrees ).. that all the water condensed on the inside n my windows are huge.. and all that condensation resulted in a big puddle!! (this has never happened be4 :p).... much to my annoyance.... hopefully mold will not start to grow!!..
Anywayz today wasn't too bad..had like 4 lectures in a row.. this morning.. in the same lecture theatre!! n unfortunately one of the lecturers didn't turn up so ... it was a bit of an annoyance.. i was so hungry.. that i went back in the 1/2 hour break just to grab food :p.. hehe.. Its amazing what hunger does to ur brain ...
Also had a pleasantly free afternoon with only one lecture near the end of hte day... what a hassle.. .. wish they could just group them all nicely together.. for our convenience .. hehe.. but i suppose things just don't work that way..... oh well.............. it wasn't too bad a day ... (flitting, floating.. around~~~~~ )
Anywayz today wasn't too bad..had like 4 lectures in a row.. this morning.. in the same lecture theatre!! n unfortunately one of the lecturers didn't turn up so ... it was a bit of an annoyance.. i was so hungry.. that i went back in the 1/2 hour break just to grab food :p.. hehe.. Its amazing what hunger does to ur brain ...
Also had a pleasantly free afternoon with only one lecture near the end of hte day... what a hassle.. .. wish they could just group them all nicely together.. for our convenience .. hehe.. but i suppose things just don't work that way..... oh well.............. it wasn't too bad a day ... (flitting, floating.. around~~~~~ )
Friday, July 16, 2004
Weekend! Yay!
Ah... its the weekend again.... :) nice change from the busy schedule .. now can bum around.. even if just for 2 days :p... i think having 2 weeks of hols was waaay... too short... n i am looking forward to the next big break .. although that is no where soon .. :p.. oh well..
Just an aside i gues.. found a great manga Full moon wo sagashite .. :p.. very very nice artwork.. (u can trust my judgement on that .. coz i am very picky on the artwork :p) n story too .. hehe
Anyway today wasn't too bad.. i guess just had a lab n a tutorial.. lor n a bunch of lectures..although it was pretty hard to concentrate on like the "respiratory system" n microbiology when its friday n we are all restless to go back hehe.. although we finished around 4pm.. quite late for a friday.. i would say.. oh well ... hehe..Did i also mention that i have watched harry potter? :p.. it was great .. i love the background.. (such lovely scenery.. reminds me of NZ hehehe) although it was waaaaaay too short.. coz it didn't cover all the stuff that i wanted to see!!.. (it was~2 1/2 hours long btw ) ... n also watched spiderman 2 .. which was quite good on the special effects.. although i maybe too dramatic? .. we would like get shocked in our seats.. when the evil villain or sthg just pops out of the blue .. hehe
anyway i guess thats all for today.. :p (lazzzzyyyy.... hehehhehe)
Just an aside i gues.. found a great manga Full moon wo sagashite .. :p.. very very nice artwork.. (u can trust my judgement on that .. coz i am very picky on the artwork :p) n story too .. hehe
Anyway today wasn't too bad.. i guess just had a lab n a tutorial.. lor n a bunch of lectures..although it was pretty hard to concentrate on like the "respiratory system" n microbiology when its friday n we are all restless to go back hehe.. although we finished around 4pm.. quite late for a friday.. i would say.. oh well ... hehe..Did i also mention that i have watched harry potter? :p.. it was great .. i love the background.. (such lovely scenery.. reminds me of NZ hehehe) although it was waaaaaay too short.. coz it didn't cover all the stuff that i wanted to see!!.. (it was~2 1/2 hours long btw ) ... n also watched spiderman 2 .. which was quite good on the special effects.. although i maybe too dramatic? .. we would like get shocked in our seats.. when the evil villain or sthg just pops out of the blue .. hehe
anyway i guess thats all for today.. :p (lazzzzyyyy.... hehehhehe)
Thursday, July 15, 2004
La la la....
i know its been an age since i update.. but can't be helped was so busy n stressed n stuff coz had a test due this week n i had only like 2 chances left.. but now done with that so thats cool :p.. i guess i'm starting to realize how tedious having a blog is .. :p oh well
anyway for those who don't know.. i have put the link for the Te Anau in the chatterbox... or just click oh this link: http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/Te%20Anau%20Road%20Trip/
The password is abc :p.. hehe
oh well i guess thats abt it .. hehe its freezing at the moment.. so typing is not the best thing to be doing :p nitez..
i know its been an age since i update.. but can't be helped was so busy n stressed n stuff coz had a test due this week n i had only like 2 chances left.. but now done with that so thats cool :p.. i guess i'm starting to realize how tedious having a blog is .. :p oh well
anyway for those who don't know.. i have put the link for the Te Anau in the chatterbox... or just click oh this link: http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/Te%20Anau%20Road%20Trip/
The password is abc :p.. hehe
oh well i guess thats abt it .. hehe its freezing at the moment.. so typing is not the best thing to be doing :p nitez..
Thursday, July 08, 2004
Phew!!!!!!!!! Long day...
Today was such a long day.. sigh even though its just ECC n stuff but then.. whoa.. spend the last 2 days walking up n down hills and bussing all over coz had to visit patients at their home.. boy that was tiring (n i got sore legs!!!!!).. n today.. spent the entire time in tutorials and stuff... only got back around 6.30++... so dark already here.. Sigh...
Oh well.... it was a good experience i suppose.. although we gotta like do all that stuff like private and confidential so cannot blurp it all out here hehe.. :p..
Anyways , lazy to write anymore.. still so much to do..hehe..
Oh well.... it was a good experience i suppose.. although we gotta like do all that stuff like private and confidential so cannot blurp it all out here hehe.. :p..
Anyways , lazy to write anymore.. still so much to do..hehe..
Monday, July 05, 2004
I'm Back!
Hello... its the start of my ECC (early community contact week) which means no more holiday :( ... oh well i haven't been updating coz i was so tired... We went to Te Anau for the weekend!.. hehe.. it was quite fun although we didn't do much just a nice little short trip .. :p..We took heaps of photos!.. more of scenery then of humans though.. hehe.. will post some pics up when i have the time..
Rights now still suffering from the tiredness carried about.. from lack of sleep i think .. :(.. argh... have to wake up early tomorrow..
Rights now still suffering from the tiredness carried about.. from lack of sleep i think .. :(.. argh... have to wake up early tomorrow..
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Waaaa... almost end of holiday!!!!!
hehe.. here again to update my blog.. had such a busy day yesterday... was out all afternoon till night!!! It all started coz Angela wanted to go to Spotlight... (which is quite far away!) n so we ended up walking , walking , walking...(x100) all over town.. n went to REbel, Briscoes, Spotlight and warehouse!!!.. all in one afternoon!! n then back again to town .. n watched a movie at nite.. gotta say that that was one busy day.. phew!!.. but sad to say my days of blissful loitering n wasteful pleasure are coming to an end... coz i start next week! ( u might think this is a bit early to be worrying but...Waaaaaaa!!!! no more hols!!! i think ahead :p)
Oh well today is just another day.. but gotta bear in mind all the stuff htat needs to be done ( like real work!!) coz ihave not touched my books since... a long time ago.. :p.. oh well don't know if i would be able to get to it be4 the hols up... but it doesn't hurt to hope :P
plus within this hols.. i think RUth n i have managed to devour... happily.. around 3 boxes of ice cream.. :p
i guess thats enough of this senseless rantings? .. i'm off :p
Oh well today is just another day.. but gotta bear in mind all the stuff htat needs to be done ( like real work!!) coz ihave not touched my books since... a long time ago.. :p.. oh well don't know if i would be able to get to it be4 the hols up... but it doesn't hurt to hope :P
plus within this hols.. i think RUth n i have managed to devour... happily.. around 3 boxes of ice cream.. :p
i guess thats enough of this senseless rantings? .. i'm off :p
Monday, June 28, 2004
Helo again.. ah.. its the usual boring day.. :p.. didn't do much today.. woke up late :( not that i had anything to do la.. hehe.. other then some little bit of chores n stuff.. was thinking of actually leaving the comfort of my room .. but then.. somehow.....? didn't go out after all... I sure am getting lazy... hehe
Tried to do some more of my knitting.. but then must have screwed it up when i was talking on the phone and knitting at the same time last night.. :( spent the entire time trying to fix up my stitches... ****annoyed....
oh well thats abt it ....
Tried to do some more of my knitting.. but then must have screwed it up when i was talking on the phone and knitting at the same time last night.. :( spent the entire time trying to fix up my stitches... ****annoyed....
oh well thats abt it ....
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