Christmas has come and past. How quickly the season has gone by. I don't remember much of it as somehow this year, the celebrations were not as impressionable. Although i suppose if there is something i remember, its that i have a bad memory. Somewhat paradoxical i suppose, but the moments when i have forgotten stuff n people in particular tend to be the more memorable times since they were pretty embarassing moments.
As it is, i'm just passing my days, been writing my story and i've to say i'm pleasantly happy with the reviews i'm getting. Ahhh.... the joys of electronic feedback. Somewhere along the line.. i'm still knittingi my scarf... Went to watch The Promise tonight. It's a chinese fantasy movie sort of. Totally amazing special effects, rather unbelievable but totally crazy and yet so very cool. And yes i pretty much liked it, after all far fetched fantasy has always been my favourite. I did watch Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire... and i think it was not bad. Although i suppose having read the books made the whole thing all that much more predictable :P I spent a lot of time just naming the characters and explaining the rather complicated plot to my siblings. Hope my new year will turn up with some much better resolutions and ways to spend the day. I'm way too unproductive as it is :p
When did the dream end and reality set in... Flitting illusions and wisps of a forgotten trail... Stop living in the dream, start fighting in the real world... For when the dream ends, my heart is shattered in its onslaught... How cruel are my dreams.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Time just seems to creep by so quickly when ur enjoying urself! I got back from my KL trip last Thursday. It was quite good, although KL is probably hotter than Sibu in my opinion coz of all that smog and tall buildings.. argh!! But the shopping was great. I think we didn't do much other than shop actually, coz i kinda got sick on the last 2 days so we didn't go up to Genting Highlands :(. I blame it on the 'yong tau fu' That stuff is not fresh man! even if from a foodcourt in the mall, what to say the street side stalls. Man, at least Sibu doesn't have roadside stalls, cause they are banned by the way. All the stalls have to be within a shoplot.
Well, i suppose KL turned out to be a jumble of eating and shopping. Managed to try most of the foods i was interested in like: claypot, sizzling noodle, yee mee, teppanyaki, sushi, yong tau fu, chi cheong fun, penang kueh teow, roti canai.... :p hehe... but i realise its pretty expensive eating there compared to here and the stuff they sell isn't much cheaper really. I think Sibu's still reasonably balanced on price, availability and conenience... since its so close :)
Anyways, i've been pretty lazy since then.. i suppose, although i did manage to make some balloon animals! Yes, you heard me right.. its when u blow up those long balloons and make a dog and giraffe and all that stuff out of them. Pretty cool, i say... although i guess it'd probably be a not too pleasant experience for those who dislike balloons! heh..... i can think of some good uses of those skills now... ehehehe...
Watched King Kong the other day, it wasn't too bad... although the tickets were more expensive like what, coz the movie was 3 hours long!! What kinda excuse is that? Ok i know it sounds reasonable in some way but i never heard them do it for anything else so yeah! The shows full of disgusting and gross gigantic creep crawlies though! Even my little bro was freaked out by the people eating slugs :p... but i suppose if you ignore that the picture quality and effects is all pretty good ! I'm hoping to watch the 4th HP installment soon.
Mmmm... n baked a chocolate brownie for my little bro's birthday yesterday. Although it ended up being real hard though especially after going in the fridge! I think these cakes are way too heavy... i felt a severe chocolate overload... :p... I think it tastes better in NZ.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Writing the days away...
Wow its December already! Time really flies -- not sure if that is a good thing though... since i do want my holidays to last rather than just fly by. As usual haven't been doing much useful stuff really. Although I somehow decided maybe i should write like a random story or something and post it online. Its always a curiousity to see how many people actually read those kind of stuff :p. My writing skills are probably only mediocore at best but i suppose... i was actually that bored to actually think of something like that?
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