When did the dream end and reality set in... Flitting illusions and wisps of a forgotten trail... Stop living in the dream, start fighting in the real world... For when the dream ends, my heart is shattered in its onslaught... How cruel are my dreams.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Arghh.. i'm so annoyed... blasted idiots in a car!!!! i was walking back from library around 11pm tonite... just minding my own business and all that... n suddenly someone chucked something out of the car... i didn't realised what it was at first... but then it hit me hard on my foot... n smashed to pieces.. man i freaked out n thought it was glass... n it hurt!! Stupid idiots @#$@##%! pity i didn't see them since they went by so fast... i didn't even realised what happened.. but after looking back i realised it was egg!!!! Argghhhh... that smashed on my nice pants... which now stinks of egg... fortunately i have long pants though so it didn't actually get on my foot... but still.......... i am so NOT happy....
Saturday, October 29, 2005
The consequence of impending exams...
Mood: just woke up.... blur but aware at the same time
Exams are coming up and its really been affecting my brain!!! I think i wake up early coz i think i have to study... but then.. i'm 1/2 asleep and annoyed. When i get to studying i get too engrossed that if you talk to me in the next few minutes i'll spout random drug names like risperidone, omeperazole or clonidine without knowing what they do. When i see "dia..." i think diabetes! ... when i see OC... i think oral contraceptives... if i see another ALP, ALT,GGT ... i will think liver enzymes... so you see exams is really messing with my head!! Ok ... maybe i'd better stop. Talking to oneself is the first sign of madness after all.
Exams are coming up and its really been affecting my brain!!! I think i wake up early coz i think i have to study... but then.. i'm 1/2 asleep and annoyed. When i get to studying i get too engrossed that if you talk to me in the next few minutes i'll spout random drug names like risperidone, omeperazole or clonidine without knowing what they do. When i see "dia..." i think diabetes! ... when i see OC... i think oral contraceptives... if i see another ALP, ALT,GGT ... i will think liver enzymes... so you see exams is really messing with my head!! Ok ... maybe i'd better stop. Talking to oneself is the first sign of madness after all.
Friday, October 28, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Exam blues...
Mood: Grumpy, tired... bleh
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Flour,little white balls and wacky flatmates

Another day , another set of interesting events! Today's officially my flatmate's birthday! And guess what the other 4 scheming flatmates did :p We woke her up around 7am on the excuse that we'd made her breakfast and then when she came around the corner....... ...... haha we chucked floor and polystyrene balls at her! Man! That was hilarious ... it was right at the moment when she said "I feel like i'm dreaming" ... n 'bam' wemt the flour and all ... i think she was in a bit of a shock for a while but then starting chasing us with this evil glint in her eyes! quite scary i have to say .. the four of us barricaded ourselves in the living room for fear of our lives. Our roles were as such: Jane - flour, Iris - balls, Ruth-camera, me- knock on door and lure her out :P Yep, that was surely a very early start to the day!!! not to mention a totally wacky one... better watch out for a revengeful flatmate in the future :p
"Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art... It has no survival value; rather is one of those things that give value to survival."
- C. S. Lewis
Monday, October 17, 2005
Happy day!
:) Yay! my anatomy rat race is over and it wasn't as hard as i was worried it might be. I know i shouldn't really be celebrating since my finals are far from over and i'm nowhere near being prepared but hey, it was a good day! I actually won a CD and DVD from Hoyts coz i joined one of their competitions ages back. I don't really remember what it was since i joined heaps just for the fun of it. Imagine the surprise i had at seeing a parcel with my name on it in the living room at like 9am this morning? hehe (coz the couriers come around 8am)
Saturday, October 15, 2005
In appreciation
Thank you Lord, for light blue skies,
for fresh green leaves and rain that cleanses,
for life itself, to love, to breath, to feel,
to laugh, to cry, to smile, to sing,
for friends that accept you, that make you smile and tease,
who are willing to know you, to care,
for family and people around,
who make a difference just by being there,
for Your saving grace o' Lord,
to someone not worthy, imperfect and unwhole,
and for taking the dirty and making it clean again,
to look at what the world did not see,
and to make the speck of dust into a gem.
for fresh green leaves and rain that cleanses,
for life itself, to love, to breath, to feel,
to laugh, to cry, to smile, to sing,
for friends that accept you, that make you smile and tease,
who are willing to know you, to care,
for family and people around,
who make a difference just by being there,
for Your saving grace o' Lord,
to someone not worthy, imperfect and unwhole,
and for taking the dirty and making it clean again,
to look at what the world did not see,
and to make the speck of dust into a gem.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Beautiful blue skies!
Today is a lovely day! It seems that in between these cold rainy days are interleaved with bout sunshine and blue skies! My little weather icon is telling me its 17 degrees with a picture of lightning and rain ! hehe... i suppose its not that accurate...
Had a pharmacology lab today.. n we were looking at prescriptions and mistakes in them.. and it seems that mistakes in prescription are even made when misreading doctor's handwriting! which i have to admit i had trouble making out drug names as well....and did a little glucose monitoring finger prick too.. was around 4.3... which was pretty low i suppose considering i wasn't fasting.. but yeah... who knows... the range is around 4.1 to 6 mmol/l i think.. hehe well its good that i don't have to worry that i'll have diabetes or even impaired glucose tolerance -- metabolic syndrome...
Had a pharmacology lab today.. n we were looking at prescriptions and mistakes in them.. and it seems that mistakes in prescription are even made when misreading doctor's handwriting! which i have to admit i had trouble making out drug names as well....and did a little glucose monitoring finger prick too.. was around 4.3... which was pretty low i suppose considering i wasn't fasting.. but yeah... who knows... the range is around 4.1 to 6 mmol/l i think.. hehe well its good that i don't have to worry that i'll have diabetes or even impaired glucose tolerance -- metabolic syndrome...
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Of swings and daffodils... rain and cloud
What is the world coming to? Hehe i think thats a pretty cliche question but i wonder... coz there's so many things going on nowadays... there's heaps of natural diasasters for one thing ... there was the tsunami and then hurricane.... n even london bombings and now there's an earthquake in Kashmir... so many lives lost... n yet everyday as i wander to n fro from classes and all i feel safe in this world i live in. I see parents picking their children up from the daycare at the hospital... i see little kids jumping up n down on the swings and the sandpit... father's who are like 6 ft tall with little toddlers wich are like only as tall as their leg... its so sweet... so calm ... my biggest worries are exams... n how to get through classes and all that n yet they dull in comparision to so many other things that are going on. I feel so selfish at times coz they are heaps more ppl in pain out there ... n yet all i think about mostly is my next meal.. my next class .. my next test? My world sure has shrunk a lot.
I think it's the weather too.. when its gloomy and rainy like this i reflect on many things... it would probably do me good to move to a sunnier climate... :p
I think it's the weather too.. when its gloomy and rainy like this i reflect on many things... it would probably do me good to move to a sunnier climate... :p
"All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field.
The grass withers and the flowers fall, because the breath of the LORD blows on them. Surely the people are grass.
The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever."
- Isaiah 40:6-8
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Doodling my thoughts...
Just a note i've posted up the pics from Ruth's b-day on gallery 3 ..same password.. abc.. :)
Another day has past... i think time is moving so quickly... Someone mentioned lately, that "you have to be a good follower" / "menjadi pengikut yang baik" n i thought, well that depends who i'm following really. What if i don't really want to follow the leader coz i don't really want to even be part of this really. Hmm.. n Sunday we did some stuff about being a good leader which i thought was quite good. A leader that commands people to follow just based on their position alone is not going to last. Its also about taking care of your followers and developing relationships with everyone so that when they follow its out of willingness and not just some weird obligation or a commonly used word in Malaysia for unpopular events os by making them "wajib" ie "compulsory"!!
Another day has past... i think time is moving so quickly... Someone mentioned lately, that "you have to be a good follower" / "menjadi pengikut yang baik" n i thought, well that depends who i'm following really. What if i don't really want to follow the leader coz i don't really want to even be part of this really. Hmm.. n Sunday we did some stuff about being a good leader which i thought was quite good. A leader that commands people to follow just based on their position alone is not going to last. Its also about taking care of your followers and developing relationships with everyone so that when they follow its out of willingness and not just some weird obligation or a commonly used word in Malaysia for unpopular events os by making them "wajib" ie "compulsory"!!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
Exam blues...
Mood: Grumpy, tired... bleh
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
Mood: Grumpy, tired... bleh
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
This is what exams does to a person. Everyday is consumed by thoughts of studying and yet my mind rebels at the action of it. Add in much annoyance, slow progress and the occasional naps... i'm really not the perkiest student around.
Just a thought on God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." - Joshua 24:13
Can we say we deserve everything we get? Thus be grateful and use well what we have been given.
Mood: grumpy, tired.... bleh...
I think this is what exams does to a person. I just feel so annoyed, everyday is like study study study.. but then my mind rebels and says no! No! don't study... mix in some guilt, annoyance and too many naps n yeah... not the perkiest exam student around.
Just a thought about God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." Can we say we deserve the things we get ? Thus, be grateful and do the best with what we have been given.
I think this is what exams does to a person. I just feel so annoyed, everyday is like study study study.. but then my mind rebels and says no! No! don't study... mix in some guilt, annoyance and too many naps n yeah... not the perkiest exam student around.
Just a thought about God's blessings...
"So I gave you a land on which you did not toil and cities you did not build; and you live in them and eat from vineyards and olive groves that you did not plant." Can we say we deserve the things we get ? Thus, be grateful and do the best with what we have been given.
Hello! Its the day after Ruth's (aka my flatmate's) big 21st bash!! Wahh...it was fun... although quite tiring esp yesterday! I had the day off for once. Woke up late coz i spent the night be4 recording last minute b-day messages.. :p n then went shopping in the afternoon ... helped baked the cake ... cooked hte rice... chicken... touched up the power point n finished the last of the speech recordings! All within the nick of time. Not to mention actually went to the pary a wee bit late :p like maybe 30mins? hehe... but i'm sure R didn't mind .. hehe.. Me n Ange were doing games!! Only played 2 of our 3. One of them was chinese whispers with a wacky sentence courtesy of Alastair. Even i can't really remember it ... sthg like , " As i was walking down the street, it started to rain and i took out my Ruth-tastic umbrella and out popped a Ruth idol that sang "Happy 21st birthday Ruth!"... well thats my rendition of it anyway.. any prizes for me ? :p Got back pretty late n all last night.. n then did our late night pic taking and eat back at the flat hehe since we ended up with quite a lot of food n an intact cake !! hehe.... oh yeah... yum yum yum....

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