Thursday, June 30, 2005

All 5 of us gals next to the duckpond in the Gardens in Invercargill! Girl Power yeah!
Hehe ... here's me again trying to strangle the tuatara outside the museum/art gallery/info centre in Invercargill.. yes the museum is the white thing at the back that looks kinda like a pyramid :p
This is me at Bluff!! supposedly the southernmost tip of the South island...With all the signs pointing out the distance to the different places in km!
Here's another one of our stops with Ruth n me at Purakaunui waterfalls ! Just somewhere around Caitlins before reaching Invercargill.
Hello...! Yes i'm back from my roadtrip to a few places around south island... Just got back last night so yeah.. its taking me a while to get my pics and all sorted out. It has been a great trip and i'm really thankful to my flatmate for driving us around ! coz non of the rest of us can drive lor! :) Anyway, this lovely pic was taken at Nugget Point on Day 1 somewhere at the south part of south island as we were touring past Caitlins! Lovely view isn't it? And there is also a lighthouse behind me although u can't see it in this pic.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Just a wee mention that i've posted up the pics from my trip to Ashburton n the potluck last monday in gallery 2 ! Pass=abc as usual :) Will be off to invercargill and Caitlins tomorrow if all goes well n then to Queenstown and will probably be back late Wednesday so the blog will be lonely for a few more days :p
 Posted by Hello
Hello! i'm back from Ashburton! It was a great n fun trip even if a bit tiring.. hehe.. anyway the pic is with me at the lord of the ring's site!!! Yes! Behind me is Sundae Island it was the place where the kingdom of Rohan... place where the castle of Edoras was in The Two Towers!! If u don't believe me compare with the other pic i've put up for ref.. :P Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 18, 2005

1st day of real holiday!

Spinning Yes! Its the first day of my real holiday.. i guess i'm kinda brimming with excitement while filling kinda dull n blunt at the same time. Since my exams were over like 4 days ago.. its not really that exhilarating anymore :p.. But its nice to kinda just say i'm on HOLIDAY! hehe.. even if its a bit shortlived. I will be going to Asburton next week for ECC so thats something i'm not too keen on although i hope it will be fun and interesting to a certain extent. And the week after maybe a flat planned road trip to some parts of South Island!

I guess being a overly practical person has its downsides since i tend to look at reality as it is! So i tend not too get overly excited or depressed :p.. And in a way that kinda says that i'm dull? Argh... not really wat i was wanting to be... hmmm... well hopefully this "dull" person will be able to have an interesting holiday :p

Visit My Mail Stamp!

Friday, June 17, 2005

Rejoice rejoice !

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philipians 4:4
Yay! its finally the real holidays! hehe ...Rolly 3 I'm just glad to be free from classes and exams alike hehe... nothing beats doing nothing? :p

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Hmm.. seems that i haven't had a proper post as of late .. i guess even if its post exams u would think i would be more free.. but i guess i just felt like doing nothing for a while to recover from doing too many things :p

Today was pretty interesting although awfully long.. i guess i haven't had a full 9am-5pm day that much this year n its really getting on my concentration coz i really can't "sustain" my interest when the day just doesn't seem to end! But on the positive side some stuff was pretty interesting ! Got to watch like about 4 pregnancy videos today.. it was pretty amazing, the process of having a baby n seeing its head popping out from the women's vagina! A bit unnerving i have to say coz i'm wondering if i want to go through all that , but i think considering the joy of having a child -- should be worth it right?

Tomorrow will be the last day n to be frank i'm pretty happy about it. I'm not so looking forward to the week to come but i guess being somewhere other than dunedin should prove to be at least more intersting hehe... I still find the weather not nice at all n i've resorted to bundling up really warmly n trekking through the hospital instead of going around it just coz its warmer heheh -- not that that short distance is much difference :p

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Exams are over... classes are back

Hello.. haven't bothered to update for a while.. i guess i've been feeling a bit slack.. didn't do too well in exam so i guess its not adding anything to my mood.. ... we got the answers the moment we handed in our papers sigh ... i still have full days of classes too 9am-5pm.. makes me feel kinda tired n very disinterested n what we're studying.. I'm just yearning to have some holidays! Arghhhh.. esp after exams....Oh well.. not too long to go... although it'll probably be another week before i get "true" holidays.... Rolling Eyes

Rain Cloud

Sunday, June 12, 2005

0 days till exam...
strangely calm and yet i wonder when the reality is going to sink in...

Saturday, June 11, 2005

1 day till exam...
slightly anxious, a bit lost...
not that much more to go...
do your best leave the rest to God...

Friday, June 10, 2005

2 days till exams....
restless... uneasy.... need to study but not sure what to study....
hoping for brighter days to come and more sunshine amidst cold frosty winter mornings...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

3 days till exam!
Heart rate: Increasing due to anxiety...
Mood: panic vs slack
Work output: nil - very low...
Solution: eat more chocolate and study more !

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

4 days till exam....!! EEEKk....
Anyway i guess i won't be updating all that much so yeah......
Hope I survive.... :p

Monday, June 06, 2005

Holiday yet no holiday...

Hi ! Today is Queen's b-day so we all got the day off but sad to say can't really enjoy myself.. with all the upcoming exams and stuff i'm forced to try to study.. :p.. can't say i'm progressing too well but i guess i can't stop trying now.. or else i'll be doomed come exam day ... Been studying about some drugs n stuff.. man so complicated.. how is it that for any drug they have to be so many trade names? hmm.. n then so many side effects n contraindications and what not! Argh i think i need some antidepressants and anxiolytics (anti-anxiety drugs) too !

"... In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33
Sunday.. Posted by Hello
Hello! Just 2 pics taken on sat n sun.. u can really tell the diff in weather.. since saturday was so foggy n cold while sunday turned out much better although the temperatures are still beneath 10 degrees brrrr... Posted by Hello

Saturday, June 04, 2005

What God Hath Promised

God hath not promised
Skies always blue,
Flower-strewn pathways
All our lives through;
God hath not promised
Sun without rain,
Joy without sorrow,
Peace without pain.

But God hath promised
Strength for the day,
Rest for the labor,
Light for the way,
Grace for the trials,
Help from above,
Unfailing sympathy,
Undying love.
-- Annie Johnson Flint


Waaa... today is soooo cold..don't wanna leave my flat at all... this is a good sign that winter is finally here-- not good! Haven't done much today just trying to do a bit of study but ended up taking a nap sometime in the afternoon :p... hehe...

Friday, June 03, 2005

Wahhh... the week is gone , already?

Mmm.. the week sure has flown by real fast.. :p.. By the way it snowed this morning !! I woke up freezing cold n looked out of the window n thought wow!! Its snowing.. heaps of snowflakes drifting by at high speed! Got my self changed, ready n left like 30 mins later.. just to find that it was still snowing!! But by then my "wow!" had become "oh no!" i have to walk in the freezing wind n snow to tutorial!! Not a good prospect... but anyway.. that was me armed with my umbrella nicely bundled up at 8.50am hehe -- forgot my gloves though so i had really really frozen fingers.... it felt so numb like i had stuck my hand in the freezer n left it there overnight :p

Anyway had a lot of lectures concerning reproduction lately..coz we're doing a reproduction, development and aging module. Managed to see the in vitro fertilisation part where they remove some sperm -- like it was just sucked up by a tube tail first!! and then injected into an egg which looked kinda squashed as they tried to poke it.. :p.. yeah.. n heaps of slides on sperm like telling us how to distinguish a good count, morphology(shape of its head :p) and motility(speed) -- kinda resembles heaps of tadpoles just swimming around... hehe -- quite interesting ...

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Anatomy overload O.o

Had heaps of anatomy today.. like 2 labs this morning totalling 4 hours.. -_- .. had a real bad headache this afternoon too.... donno if its due to the kinda boring health economics lecture or maybe the over stuffy lecture theatre.. mmm.. felt kinda crap... although it seems for me a lot of things seemed to be cured by food :p.. after a happy meal.. i feel much better !