When did the dream end and reality set in... Flitting illusions and wisps of a forgotten trail... Stop living in the dream, start fighting in the real world... For when the dream ends, my heart is shattered in its onslaught... How cruel are my dreams.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
------ :(
Argh!!!!!!! I did it again.. accidently cut the back of my foot when i was outside...! sooooo annoying... now i feel like "orang cacat" since i don't wanna move to much coz the cut will reopen!!! Man it looks so bloody it even scared my mum :p.. but actually its just a not so big cut la.. but it sure bleeds a lot... ~~~can't go shopping tonight.. :(

Hello! new update here..!! added some pics form Angela's visit to Sibu on photobucket http://photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower pass = abc
! This is the "gateway to Sibu" ---the big hat thingy in the background :p And if u haven't noticed yet... Angela permed her hair?! hehe.. nice change.. looks more mature.. (or makes us two look younger :p)

Friday, January 28, 2005
Seems that my life has become really boring... I spend my time sleeping, eating.. bugging people... n when it gets unbearable.. i go online.. Lately i've really gotten into korean manwha(ie. korean comics)... haha I know i've always been a fan of Japanese manga (Jap comics) but i just thought i'd get a change.. and it all started when i read Hot blooded woman by Mi Ri Whang.. really weird, funny..very long n complicated story... was 24 volumes of hard work man!!! But somehow .. i liked it ... although i've been told her works are mostly similar once u've read one. .. but i guess that was hte only one... now have been popping over to janimes, trapnest n korean-movies more often.. just to pick up some new manga.. (now u know where to go :P)-------I guess this is what seriously bored people do.... looking back life really sux.... !!
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Little pic update..
Hi! Just a little update to say that i've added 4 new pics to my photobucket.. http://photobucket.com/albums/v336/euniqueflower/ pass=abc
Lately , i seem very accident prone... mmm.. thinking back i burnt my finger while cooking sugar the other day...(n i still have the blister!!! argh after so long...) had that stupid car accident.... still have bruise from taking blood on my arm from like weeks ago... argh!!! n i bumped myself on the edge of the table yesterday... Is there something wrong here.... or have I just become a klutz..... :p
Lately , i seem very accident prone... mmm.. thinking back i burnt my finger while cooking sugar the other day...(n i still have the blister!!! argh after so long...) had that stupid car accident.... still have bruise from taking blood on my arm from like weeks ago... argh!!! n i bumped myself on the edge of the table yesterday... Is there something wrong here.... or have I just become a klutz..... :p
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
In retrospect, a lesson to learn ....
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay", says the Lord."
Romans 12:17-20
"Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay", says the Lord."
Romans 12:17-20
Sunday, January 16, 2005
My 1st accident... :( ~~~boo hooo
Sigh... the joy of my newly aquired full licensed clouded by an untimely event!! Now, I will always remember this date....15/1/05 Just thinking about it makes my blood boil.. Argh!!! Somehow or another i managed to scratch... n when i say scratch i mean very slighyly bump until a bit of paint comes off ... when i was driving in the super crowded road in town..(near the market :p) And what do u know? I just had to meet with the most horribly intolerant and most blatantly unreasonable couple ever!!!! arghhhhhhhh... Just because of that had to waste a heap of a lot of money coz the screaming woman just wouldnt accept any repairs.. other htan a total replacement of a supposedly "brand-new" bumper... !!!!!! Some QSK Kenari.. hmph!! sigh n also I guess this is considered a lesson to me to be more careful because no matter how right u are ... they are still annoying people htat refuse to bend to any reason ... she was practically yelling.. either u pay or i call the cops.. And of course with my new license.. my parents didn't really wanna risk it.. so yeah..
But i guess after blowing off my temper i feel a bit better.. but still if anyone is to ever ask me about it!!! argh.. i wanna drag them off to the police station or just get a big stick n whack them senseless!!!! I don't care if u are "samseng" or not.. ... !! The more rude u r the angrier i get...!!! In retrospect though i guess this is the part that i need to control... coz life is hardly ever fair n if u consider Jesus dying on the cross to save all of us sinners.. it was totally not fair at all!! But then...... as christians we still do wat we can as each one shall receive their due rewards in heaven based on their faithfulness (~~hehe this mornings sermon.. ) So yeah.. better not blabber too much.. just need to blow some steam off.. since this has been like a very popular discussion topic among my parents.. n i got to say i feel really bad for it.. plus it really ruins my no accident record !! (sob*sob) I guess just let bygones be bygones and remember everyone drive carefully!!!! even a tiny scratch in the hands of a ruthless woman is a scary thing...
But i guess after blowing off my temper i feel a bit better.. but still if anyone is to ever ask me about it!!! argh.. i wanna drag them off to the police station or just get a big stick n whack them senseless!!!! I don't care if u are "samseng" or not.. ... !! The more rude u r the angrier i get...!!! In retrospect though i guess this is the part that i need to control... coz life is hardly ever fair n if u consider Jesus dying on the cross to save all of us sinners.. it was totally not fair at all!! But then...... as christians we still do wat we can as each one shall receive their due rewards in heaven based on their faithfulness (~~hehe this mornings sermon.. ) So yeah.. better not blabber too much.. just need to blow some steam off.. since this has been like a very popular discussion topic among my parents.. n i got to say i feel really bad for it.. plus it really ruins my no accident record !! (sob*sob) I guess just let bygones be bygones and remember everyone drive carefully!!!! even a tiny scratch in the hands of a ruthless woman is a scary thing...
Wednesday, January 05, 2005
2004 has past .. all too quickly and now we're faced with a brand new year!!! Seems all nostalgic although in actual fact i think the 31st n 1st seemed like any old day to me :P.... Probably coz there wasn't much to do .. n was just stuck with the usual chore-like duties.. But for this New Year my resolution will be to make it much better than the last! haha! (kinda lame hor?)
Anyway on a more interesting note.. went to Mukah on Sunday to visit Angela! It was great! hehe... In short, plenty of talking.. very little sleeping.. n heaps of black eyes.. haha! The products of our trip consist of a bunch of photos on photobucket.. some real funny face clips (http://www.geocities.com/eunique_lyc/Funny_face.htm) n lots of keropok!! And if u've seen the pics u will know that someone really sleeps a lot !! mmm n in all sort of weird positions too :P.... also really must see the FUNNY faces.. coz they are seriously STUPID... haha..
Anyway on a more interesting note.. went to Mukah on Sunday to visit Angela! It was great! hehe... In short, plenty of talking.. very little sleeping.. n heaps of black eyes.. haha! The products of our trip consist of a bunch of photos on photobucket.. some real funny face clips (
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